Open Letter

#WhatHappendToSandraBland....was not cause for.

Dear Police Officer,

We get it, we get that there is a fraternal order that you live by. We get that you are your brothers keeper. We understand that being a cop is a privilege for you and you take pride in the power that you receive from obtaining a badge a gun and being backedup by laws that wasn't designed with my race in mind. But I myself am in a "fraternity" not the one that is a part of the Devine 9 or any others, but the fraternity of black ancestry and I speak on behalf of all the brothers. We believe in the values that we hold true to our culture as well and one thing that we hold dearest from our pledge is the safety of our Queens. You take us black men away and you kill our children, now you take away the one that has the ability to reproduce and make sure our heritage lives on, our women. We cannot and will not sit back and continue to allow this to happen. You've upset and disrupted our families enough and we are tired. By the way I am not fooled by the religion that was placed on African Americans in order to keep us submissive, what I do believe is that there is a higher being or all of us would not be here (white, black, red or yellow). But this is more than about race, it's about respect. I treat you how you treat me and right now "me" is "we" and you are treating us like an object rather than a human. Rather we live or die is not determined by any man, you are here to serve and protect. You work for me and everyone else that pays their taxes. I should not be in fear when I see you. I have turned the other cheek on several occasions, but now this hurts. And when a black man hurts it's time to do something.

P.s I don't March.

Sincerely yours,
A Black King