Motivation "J.Cole on Life"
Urban Floral
You will either be inspired or intimidated by me.
*Urban Floral*
Seeded words and weeded thoughts found their way thru the cracks in the concrete that was once laid by the resentment of false hope and ideal situations. Emotionally detached from the roots of contentment to only be watered by the sweat of commitment. The dirt thrown fertilized this wild rose, yet it still remained beautiful. Unblossomed pedals and scentless fragrances attached to a stem whom thorns are dull to the touch some how still created art.
Open Letter
#WhatHappendToSandraBland....was not cause for.
Dear Police Officer,
We get it, we get that there is a fraternal order that you live by. We get that you are your brothers keeper. We understand that being a cop is a privilege for you and you take pride in the power that you receive from obtaining a badge a gun and being backedup by laws that wasn't designed with my race in mind. But I myself am in a "fraternity" not the one that is a part of the Devine 9 or any others, but the fraternity of black ancestry and I speak on behalf of all the brothers. We believe in the values that we hold true to our culture as well and one thing that we hold dearest from our pledge is the safety of our Queens. You take us black men away and you kill our children, now you take away the one that has the ability to reproduce and make sure our heritage lives on, our women. We cannot and will not sit back and continue to allow this to happen. You've upset and disrupted our families enough and we are tired. By the way I am not fooled by the religion that was placed on African Americans in order to keep us submissive, what I do believe is that there is a higher being or all of us would not be here (white, black, red or yellow). But this is more than about race, it's about respect. I treat you how you treat me and right now "me" is "we" and you are treating us like an object rather than a human. Rather we live or die is not determined by any man, you are here to serve and protect. You work for me and everyone else that pays their taxes. I should not be in fear when I see you. I have turned the other cheek on several occasions, but now this hurts. And when a black man hurts it's time to do something.
P.s I don't March.
Sincerely yours,
A Black King
The Company You Keep
The Grapefruit Note:
"If you hang around four MILLIONAIRES, you will become the fifth one! If you hang around four BROKE people, you will be the fifth one!"
Dear Starve Heavy,
I am a Twenty-seven year old male with a foot fetish...That has nothing to do with this note. Anyway, I was introduced to this girl by a mutual friend. I guess she felt bad at the 5's and 6's I would bring around (aint no shame in my game, all p*ssy pink), she decided to "hook" us up. At the time, I thought nothing of it, except...Awwww, that was sweet of her to look out for a #Negus. What I fell to realize was, why would she hook us up, after I "smashed" her (She was a 6 and a quater).....yup, Playa For my Caucasian readers Smashed- adj. engage in sexual activities that have no emotional connection. But like they say bird of a feather flock together. After, I say two evenings together of Kickin' it, we was doing the horizontal polka (Family Matters reference). I ain't gone lie, that coochie was sunshine. After we repeatedly had sex, I realized I had falling for a thot in question. My question to you Starve Heavy is, am I a sucker?
Dear Sucker,
No you're a thot as well...Does that answer your question?
Starve Heavy.
Happy Birthday
"Age ain't nothing but a number, and writing is my everything. This something I have for you will never change, so we are in this to the end."~Aaliyah/PeeJay
I'm still in love with those 26 letters. If strategically placed behind one another you can create some of the most compelling experience imaginable. To me you are like a candle without a wick, which means you can never burn out. Because of your versatility it is impossible for me to encounter boredom, it is also impossible for me to NOT think that I'm possible. For that, I will forever be grateful. As we mature together, I will continue to be a student and remain infatuated with your ability to keep me intrigued. #HappyBirthday
Thanks Alot
Hi, my name is Perry and I harbor my thoughts.... (Waves)
"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." ~Somebody
With that being said...
Thanks alot mom, now that I'm grown I've become a mute, an over observant analytical mute. There are so many words that I want to piece together in order to formulate an articulate sentence to express my feelings of discontent, but I have never had the practice. Thanks alot mom! Thanks alot dad for leaving me and making me grow up before my time, causing me to see how strong of a people a woman can be... No really, Thanks alot!!! Thanks alot basketball for showing me other ways to direct my anger by channeling it into something positive. Thanks alot. Thanks alot Chicago for showing me what not to be, but not showing who to be. I am finding that out on my own. Chunks of me are embedded in my mind, trying to chisel itself free, but because I don't have anything nice to say, then I won't say anything at all. Thanks alot for listening!!!
The Married Bachelor (Excerpt)
Chapter 5: Lust At First Sight
Scene: The Lounge
Russel:Who is that?
James: who?
Russel: Her, right there...with the purple top on and black skirt, Next to the Guy with bedazzled sports coat and new boys jeans, ha
James: Boy you stupid, but yeah I see her.
Russel: Any way..... Imma get her.....wait is that Monica with her this is going to be easier then I thougt...I'll be right back,
(Russel walks over to the bar where the two ladies are mingling and waiting on their drinks, licks his lips to make sure they are not chapped and pops a mint in his mouth. there is nothing worst then trying to holla at a girl with liquor breath. just before he approached them he gives one last gander to james as to get a sign of reassurance. James acknowledges with the universal head nod as a sign that hes watching him in action.
Monica was sup?
I started to text you and see if you were going out....(looks at other women)
And I should of.......
Hey I'm russel
and you are?
(extends hand out for handshake)
whispers over to monica
dont you have a dance floor to attend to?
im going to entertain your friend
(looks over at women)
i didnt catch your name
i didnt throw it.
lets go monica this my song
(russel pays for his dirink and walks away from the bar to socialize with his friends again)
James: from over her rusy it look like you striked out.
never that partner
beauty of that magnatude is a work in progress, what i just did was plant the seed. monica is going to water it and you, my friend just watch it grow
(later that night)
what time is it rusy?
got damn, got to be more careful, shondra is going to kill me
so whats the plan?
I got to get home, i told shondra i would be home by 2am, she probably waiting up on me
(flashback of living room, with shondra sitting in the recliner facing the door with a belt and a suitcase packed with james stuff)
(james comes back to reality as the lights in the club come on and the dj played the last song of the night ginueane's "aint none of your friends buisness"
dj: this the last song so you better get you numbers and your meet up spots cause we bout to shut this bitch down. As the saying goes "you ain't got to go home but you got to get the hell outta here.
dj: get that freaky ass couple off the floor
(voice from across the room)
Get a room...
dj: you know he getting some pussy tonight
russel: james im going to catch up with monica and her buddy see if they want to get food. since yo whipped ass got a curfew
james: its not whipped its called respect
russel: well you disrepectiong her cause its 3:52am
(james turnes and dashes for the door)
ill hit you later if she dont let me in tonight...
russel: (laughs) aight
(now monica and her buddy left the club about 2:30am apperantly what they were looking for was not at this club)
monica's buddy: girl tonight was just like every other friday night, a bunch of thirsty ass men looking for a one night stand, where are the good men at
monica: girl i dont know, im here with yo single ass (laughs)
monicas buddy: who was the guy that you knew at V-live
monica: who, you know I know everybody
monicas buddy: yeah you little whore
monica: dont hate cause im a celebrity
monicas buddy: yeah in your head, you know they have doctors for that, i worry about you sometimes..
monica: and wait what you mean a "little whore" fuck you, You not short stopping... youve had your share of dick too now,
monica's buddy: so you just gone televise my buisness like that. plus i was younger then, you have to grow up sometimes monica you should try it.
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