The Company You Keep

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 10:58 AM

The Grapefruit Note:

"If you hang around four MILLIONAIRES, you will become the fifth one! If you hang around four BROKE people, you will be the fifth one!"


Dear Starve Heavy,

I am a Twenty-seven year old male with a foot fetish...That has nothing to do with this note. Anyway, I was introduced to this girl by a mutual friend. I guess she felt bad at the 5's and 6's I would bring around (aint no shame in my game, all p*ssy pink), she decided to "hook" us up. At the time, I thought nothing of it, except...Awwww, that was sweet of her to look out for a #Negus. What I fell to realize was, why would she hook us up, after I "smashed" her (She was a 6 and a quater).....yup, Playa For my Caucasian readers Smashed- adj. engage in sexual activities that have no emotional connection. But like they say bird of a feather flock together. After, I say two evenings together of Kickin' it, we was doing the horizontal polka (Family Matters reference). I ain't gone lie, that coochie was sunshine. After we repeatedly had sex, I realized I had falling for a thot in question. My question to you Starve Heavy is, am I a sucker?


Dear Sucker,

No you're a thot as well...Does that answer your question? 

Starve Heavy.


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