Relationship Insurance

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 8:37 PM

*singing* Like a good neighbor State Farm is here.......with a new mate
So I was thinking, they have "just in case" insurance for everything else why not have it for relationships. Can you imagine, you decide that you and a guy/girl want to take it to the next level and start dating, but before you make it official you pull out a contract and it states the following: This is a legally bonding contract that indicates that upon termination of this relationship between __________________and_________________, that began on the ___day of____________in 20___ shall abide by these rules. If this relationship does not work every gift shall be returned in the condition that it was received, there will be no more after hour text and or phone calls that may and will lead to emotional endeavours, when I post anything on the social networks Facebook or Twitter there shall be no responses by the other party. I do not believe in friends with benefits therefore do not call and or text me after the club. In all, I do me and you do you. If you fail to abide by these rules and regulations you can be subject to legal actions that will constitute a fine(s) paid to the courts and other party......Now there will definitely be additional clauses but I would be blogging all night, but you get the point. I guarantee if this was put in place there would be less emotional confusion because everything will be put on the table at the very beginning. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE.   


  1. Katlady29 Said,

    Heeeelllll nawwwwww lmao
    i like this

    Posted on March 1, 2012 at 9:48 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    This would be a good idea but in reality every body would be in court for breach of contract.

    Posted on April 8, 2012 at 11:17 PM


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