I over heard a conversation the other day between two guy friends. One friend said to the other, " I hear you got that ole Ball & Chain...." A phrase commonly used to express marriage..... "The ole Ball and Chain." Usually that phrase has a negative connotation, but have you taken a closer look of the it? Men, we should take that as a compliment. Let me break it down why: Ball & Chain equals Dick & Jewelry which also equals Sex & Money. Get it: ball, dick, sex and chain, jewelry, money. Word association.....I swear, sometimes y'all are not the smartest bunch. Basically she chose to marry you (ball & chain) because you had good dick and Swag (dick & jewelry) therefore, you are emerged with in house sex and a revolving income (sex & money). So to all my couples word of advice embrace the negativity and turn it into a positive. The moral of the story is grow people do grown things. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed
Marriage is based on more than good dick and swag. True love should be involved. It just takes 2 ppl who are really dedicated and inspired to make things work through great sex and patience.
Posted on April 8, 2012 at 7:20 PM
I love this.....*sighs*
Posted on September 29, 2012 at 1:51 PM
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