The G Spot...A Woman's Zone: Foreplay

Posted by Posted by Fee B. On 2:25 PM

                          Welcome to the G Spot….The Woman Zone (Explicit Content)

Thanks for stopping by The G Spot…The Woman Zone…I’m what you may consider your tour guide for the sexy ride through the questions, concerns and exploration of sexuality today. Our first stop is Foreplay. I must admit I’m a big fan of foreplay…and to be honest most people believe kissing and oral sex is the only aspects of foreplay. I must tell all of you who think that way... you’re wrong! Foreplay does include those things but it is not limited to that. As a matter of fact there is no right or wrong way to “foreplay” it’s all about knowing your partner well enough to trigger exceptional pleasure in your partner. A good example is how most women need extended stimulation to reach an orgasm, and foreplay is a great way to help her achieve that. The one thing all must remember is that the creating the right environment is a huge factor in foreplay and orgasms. Here is a list of things to consider before even starting the joys of foreplay:

1. Paying attention to detail aka creating the perfect mood for sex

2. Take your time…don’t rush the foreplay. The whole purpose of foreplay is to build the intensity and sexual arousal.

3. If you’re too shy to explore his or her body with your hands or mouth you probably shouldn’t even be having sex…There is no room for the passive in sex.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want or tell your partner to try something different. {A Closed mouth cant give head(my spin on closed mouths cant get fed!)}

5. Get creative…blindfold your partner and make them rely on the other senses, not being able to see what’s happening next is a sure way to enhance the sexual anticipation. It’s a form of sensitive foreplay, as is kissing, strip teasing, massaging, and petting yes I said petting!

6. And last but not least women want the romance, and the intimacy just as much as we want the orgasm and the great sex. It’s on our partner to know us well enough to give us a balance of both. Don’t replace kisses with head…give us both. Don’t rush the foreplay to get to the sex give us a mix of both…Don’t assume because she doesn’t complain that she is satisfied completely, always keep it fresh and switch it up…there is nothing worse than predictable, boring sex…and if you’re not having sex on the regular or getting those calls for sex I’m willing to bet the bank your sex is boring and or predictable. Cant hurt to switch it up a lil bit…you may discover something else you enjoy.

Now before I say my goodbyes until next Tuesday please understand I’m an equal opportunity supporter. And in this particular case I mean women you cant expect to just suck a dick and be done with it. If that’s the only form of foreplay you feel you can give your guy cool…but honestly switch it up. Throw a few frozen grapes in your mouth while giving him head, the warmth from your mouth and the cold from the grapes provide a wonderful sensation on his man parts, worried about the grapes being in the way…try a cold beverage instead. Go to a Tantric store and get the numbing gel for your throat to make it easier to deep throat and if all that fails porn is always a great resource to pick up new moves and suggestions! Tonight homework assignment: Sex focusing on foreplay…implement a new move or trick that you normally don’t do…can’t wait to hear about it kiddies…the nastier the better…happy humping!...Fee B.


1 Comment

  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    "12 PLAY"~Robert Kelly

    Posted on September 29, 2012 at 12:39 PM


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