Fee B's Makeup Bag: State of the World Tomorrow

Posted by Posted by Fee B. On 2:35 PM

                                        Fee B’s Makeup Bag: State of the World Tomorrow
Hey world! What’s going on? The item I’m pulling out of my makeup bag today is: The children of today and how it effects the world tomorrow. I’m a parent of a 6 year old boy so I spend a lot of time out at parks and interacting with children. I can’t help but notice the drastic difference in what children are into now compared to what children were into when I was younger. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about the world my grandchildren will live in. I’m from the days of curfews inflicted by parents, today some parents don’t even know where their kids are. Unless you’re reading a Zane Novel reading has become almost irrelevant. Videos replaced books, cell phones hold the attention of the students, not the teachers. We ditched classes, they don’t even go. I know I see them on every other corner on my way to work or to run errands. This isn’t just a summertime issue it’s a everyday issue. The incarceration rate is at an all time high. STDs rank higher than SAT scores and I’m not even speaking racially specific, I’m speaking generation specific. More and more teenage girls are having babies during high school and the actual completion rate is dropping. How can these kids be parents when they haven’t learned how to even live life or be self sufficient? I understand how hard it is out there and we have to take late shifts, or work multiple jobs or even work and go to school, but there is no reason to neglect a child and not steer them in the right direction so they can have a decent life. These children will be our next lawyers, police, politicians, scientists, doctors and if we don’t get a hand on it soon all we will have are the next athletes, rappers, actors, strippers, and reality tv stars. I wonder do these children who strive to be these things (and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to be those professions but come on) do they realize they need accountants and agents and publicists. It’s easy to be taken advantage of when you don’t know your ass from your elbow.I know I may seem harsh but seriously take a look at the world around you. Don’t get me wrong there is a small percentage out there that are exceptions to what I’m talking about, parents and children included and those few will help society live, but when you have the majority, on what seems to be a destructive path, you cant help but worry about the state of the world tomorrow…until the next time I reach into my makeup bag…

1 Comment

  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    "What's Going On"~Marvin Gaye

    Posted on September 29, 2012 at 12:33 PM


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