F**k, Follow, Or Both?

Posted by Posted by ZeeDaay On 10:13 AM

I’m no one to ask relationship advice from, especially if you expect quality results. I can only tell you what I’VE done and tell you MY opinions on if you should THINK about doing the same. So to keep it short I'm sure every guy has looked at social networks for the sake of getting some "new box" at some point, consciously or subconsciously. It's cool, I see the avi too bro, you’re not alone. Here’s the question...F**k, follow, or both? A question both men and women alike; need to ask themselves before every push of the follow button. I've learned through my twitter days that f**king a follower is not the brightest idea AT ALL. A simple DM can land you in a whole heap of dog shit. Trust, that's not something you want clouding your thoughts as you tweet throughout the day. And yes, it all starts from a mention or a retweet from someone you’re not even following at the moment.

Ex:   Lol ur funny RT: @so_n_so: oooo weee she smell like dog feet.

-checks avi, presses to enlarge-

STOP! Now think, is this what you want? Are you really prepared for the aftermath of your decision? Are you comfortable with the thought of subliminal tweets and RT's? If the answer is no, save it as a draft and revisit your smart decision later. If the answer is yes, then welcome to my life.

DM is sent

 I quickly found out I was not equipped to handle this type of shit. It starts off all well and good, simple DMs, phone number exchange, txt messages back and forth; maybe a date is set up for the near future. Now it got you thinking "damn, this might be the greatest mistake I ever made". Naaaaahhhh son! I know I'm not shit. I'm aware. I'm comfortable with it. But what I’m not comfortable with is sitting at my desk thinking every tweet is about me. I was straight spazzing thinking this broad talking about me. She wasn't, and shit... I was even more hurt at the fact it wasn't about me. Thirst traps are real, sometimes, they’re self induced thirst traps we create on our own. Taking to social networks like they're e-harmony, and blackpeoplemeet.com is a bad life investment. Worrying about what someone else is tweeting scientifically takes 3 years off your life. Don’t have her posting IG pics of some straight happy shit either, you’re all types of f**ked up after that. She doesn’t even have to be “for real” happy, she can be fake happy just to stunt on you. I remember I got mad about her posting flowers and clouds.. yea, flowers and clouds… n**ga! Im thinking “fcuk this posed to mean? A new beginning?! Ahhh this heaux!”

Once I found out that f**king a follower wasn’t in the best interest of my immediate future, twitter became that much more pleasurable. Moral of the story is its ok to go window shopping every now and again, but actually following through and making that purchase is a no no. Rest assures there’s a good chance of getting buyers remorse. By the way, I’m still looking for my receipt.

If your still wrestling with this, ask yourself ..... what would Stevie J do?

But Hey What Do I Know
*Splits White Owl*



  1. Ms. Roseanne Said,

    "Worrying about what someone else is tweeting scientifically takes 3 years off your life" -ROTLFMAO Great post. (I'm guilty as well.) LOL

    Posted on July 16, 2012 at 8:11 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    LOL......so true. And that damn Stevie J. Smh

    Posted on July 17, 2012 at 12:49 PM


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