The Moken Troll

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 7:11 PM

I'm not the smartest but I damn sure know I'm not the dumbest, but when I talk fast anything is liable to slip out. Some may call it country....hell, all may call it country, but I too have been a victim of replacing the word "remote control" with "moken troll" a few times before. The crazy thing is....I know for a fact that I am not the only one that has a loose tongued. Others participation in saying it are the ones that prompted this topic....Don't worry, I'm not going to put you on bast or anything....(ha, look at everybody checking to if they have ever said it). Anyway, words make sense rather they make sense or not. Like that last it again, go head I'll wait....It is forced to believe that signs are evident if you choose to pay attention to them. Watch this!!! The word "troll" actually has a true meaning. Does it not? The protector of the "channel" or (bed where a natural stream of water flows). And the word "Moken" just sounds like a legitimate ancient tribal community.....So just go with it.....Now, these type of people believe in their beliefs, just like any other tribe or community. (I know....another sentence that didn't make sense but did.....go ahead, read it again. I'll wait). Matter of fact, if you are reading this, you are now a part of the "Moken Tribe." (you've just been "dubbed" into the Moken community). Ok, now the Moken believe that this mystical creature, which they later named the "Moken Troll" was the only thing stopping them from access to the "channel." Trolls also have another characteristic of being a wish granter (80's babies know what I mean...neon color hair with a jewel in the belly button..yup, that's it). So depending on your Moken upbringing determines how you perceived the "Moken Troll." Non the less, both ways gets you the same results (access to your command). Now, "remote control" the actual word (or is it?), the device used to gain access to "channels" or grants the wishes of making your life easier has just acquired a deeper meaning. So now you  don't have to feel bad when you sound like a hog wrestler or a Garth Brooks video extra or even worst....a seventh grade drop out. It now means the same thing. You can cut the check later for me making relevance of our ignorance. The moral of the story is words are created to give purpose and I now know why math problems used words, because "This" plus "That" can equal something that only makes sense to the creator of the equation. #ThinkAboutIt. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed.


  1. Unknown Said,

    I can't say that I have been one of the chosen few to say these particular words "moken troll". But I have said channel changer which in my book still makes me just as special. As always it is very interesting to read what you will take from everyday things, to create these scenarios where life lessons and even now historical facts come into play. I think that you enlightened me with some very fun filled things that weren't that hard for my brain to follow. What I learned? A simple device like a remote control has meaning, and is actually something more than just something that gets lost in between the folds of the couch. Maybe it's those bothersome trolls up to no good? As always thank you for sharing and offering my brain some food for thought.

    Posted on July 23, 2012 at 9:47 PM

  2. Fee B. Said,

    I'm part of the moken tribe now! What would I like to gain access to? Thanks for requiring my brain to do some thinking once again P. Jilla

    Posted on July 24, 2012 at 6:38 PM


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