"Lord, you know what I need"...Amen...Get it (A...man) Fuck you, I laughed, it was funny to me!!! Anyway, ladies it's okay to ask the lawd for help to get a man...or is it? The good book says, " Ask and it shall be given, good measures, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall MEN give unto your boobs. Or something to that nature. Can I get an Amen? (the real one, not A Man) don't make me kick your ass. It also mentions in one of those passages somewhere "A man that findeth a wife findeth a good thing." So my point is, women, why are you praying to Find a man, when he should find you? Oh, so I shouldn't be talking about this...Your bad....Do me a favor and excuse yourself to the entry above or below this one. Can I continue? *rolls eyes & mumbles curse words under breath* I know, I know....there are two things you shouldn't argue....Politics and Religion...but the misconception about the way religion should be "practiced" blows me. Notice practice is in quotation. Practice indicates that you are not perfect in something, therefore there is a chance to get better. That is a whole other topic....I will touch on that a little later (lol, that's what she said). Prayer is a verbal or no verbal conversation between self and your belief. The only problem is Prayer actually works. There is a book called "The Secret" (highly recommended read) that basically explains that what you speak actually have the ability to be spoken into existence (good or bad). Now this is where it gets good (sit up) ladies, we men know that you are the shit (told you it gets good). It is just a matter of time until you realize that. It is ok to ask your supreme being for "A Man" to come into your life, but you have to be specific. When saying your prayer or for my non religious folks (requesting) for companionship, put together a check list with everything you want in "A Man." It is just like going grocery shopping for ingredients for a peach cobbler...you know the main ingredients are peaches, but if you don't get the other things all you are going to have is peaches. The moral of the story is we all know there is a shortage of "Good" men, so some of you ladies are going to have to take one for the team. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed.
I think that prayer should be used for anything you see fit. But I don't know how I feel about praying for a mate anymore. I'm thinking along the lines that maybe we should go back to the old school way of thinking. Just let the man seek us out. I also think that in order for us to continue in happiness with our happy medium we as couples need to be spirtually involved as well as physically. because the family that prays together stays together. I truly believe that if we start uprooting some of this beliefs that love would last longer, couples would stay happy, the divorce rate would go down, and the world would be a better place. Thank you for your wonderful insight into this subject , as always thank you for sharing. GREAT JOB!
Posted on August 28, 2012 at 5:52 PM
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Posted on August 28, 2012 at 7:39 PM
This is great Pee. I was actually gonna tweet something about prayer before I went to sleep last night. Thanks.
Posted on August 29, 2012 at 4:40 AM
"I want to thank you"~Alicia Myers
Posted on September 27, 2012 at 11:58 AM
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