Fee B's Makeup Bag The Venting Edition

Posted by Posted by Fee B. On 2:33 PM

                                                  Fee B’s Makeup Bag: The Venting Edition
I’m in a venting mood today world. So the item I’m pulling out of my makeup bag isn’t really an item, it’s more of an issue. Where is the love? I’m not speaking specifically romantic either. I’m talking about the love for your neighbor, your co workers, other races, the rich and the poor. Love for yourself, your body. Our children. The world lacks love and therefore lacks harmony. I’m a Libra and we are all about balance and harmony which is probably why this issue hits close to home for me. (Not to mention the 6 year old son I have who like other children growing up in this day and age deserving of a carefree childhood where they can play and not worry about being shot or kidnapped or molested) People today don’t respect each other, we don’t genuinely care for one another. The state of the world today is SHIT. I’m not concerned about one gender or the other nor this race or that I’m worried for the world. Parents who would rather let their kids roam the streets participating in activities that further harm the world and others or putting themselves in danger instead of spending an hour of quality time with them or instilling the values that make responsible teens and adults. On going wars, death before your time, unnecessary violence. Young girls dressing scantly to attract attention, negative attention at that not valuing their own self worth. Separation of classes furthering the distance as opposed to bridging the gap. Relationships have almost become extinct because casual sex is more appealing then the hard yet rewarding work of making a commitment. Marriages failing or succumbing to outside temptations, STD’s cases rising. The teenage pregnancy epidemic has expanded to include preteens and adolescents, and to make matters worse they have a reality show for almost every one of these issues as if watching it for entertainment purposes makes anything better or miraculously makes the problems go away. Where is the compassion, the concern, the respect? Where the hell is the love? If not for the people who live in the world around you, then what about the love for yourself? Your future? Your family? What is the point of busting your ass working if the world your trying to make enough to live in is falling apart right before your eyes? And it seems the only thing we’re doing is making it worse because we selfishly think of only ourselves and immediate circle( friends or family) verses asking what little things can I do to make this world a better place for my kids to grow up in. It’s up to us to break the cycle and make this world the kind of place worth living in. I’m not saying organize a rally or a march, it can be something as small as setting an example of what kids should really be looking up to. We don’t have to be a Lebron James or a Beyonce to be role models and make a difference, we just have to be positively active and hope that others follow our lead. Thanks for letting me vent world…next Wednesday we will definitely be grabbing another item out of my makeup bag but until then…Live Laugh Love


  1. Perry Jay Said,

    Brav-fucking-O, after reading this I was compelled to want drop a microphone and yell "Sexual Chocolate" on some real shit, people have forgotten that the children are our future. We as an older generation dont believe with breaking cycles. I have notice that we are more of a "go with the flow" generation. This is one reason I started this blog, to make people do a self reflection of themself and wonder if they are doing all they can to be a better person. This post needs that Black Eye Peas song "Where is the love" playing in the background. even though this was not an item, it was well needed. GREAT job.

    Posted on August 8, 2012 at 4:13 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    The state of the world today is definitely a big reason why I second guess my desire to have another child one day. Things are only getting worse and I'm not surprised. The good book says these things were coming. The best thing we can do is to be the best we can and lead by example. I for one wouldn't want to leave this world without making it better in some way. EVERYONE has a gift and your purpose is to use it.

    Posted on August 8, 2012 at 5:06 PM

  3. Relle_Marie Said,

    "We Are the World"~ A whole bunch of muthaf* kers

    Posted on September 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM


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