Re-Tell Therapy

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 8:52 PM

"Mind your business, that's all...Mind your business"... 50 "cool" points to the person that can tell me where that came from......Give up? Fresh Prince of Bel Air....When Will was teaching Ashley how to fight....Now do you remember? Ok, cool....Definitely not condoning in teaching any types of violent acts, but this is more of a guide to eliminating confrontation. One of the worst things you can do as person is talk about someone that is not present in a negative you agree? This is one of those subjects where YOU....yes you get mad at when done to you, but turn right around and do it to another, something like a hypocrite. We all have been on the receiving and given end of gossip (just like head) and if you say you haven't you are a lying sack of shit. And just for lying I hope the next time you fall asleep in a public area, you have that dream where you are falling and "Jump" hard as hell and embarrass yourself. There has been a study that most people gossip for one of two reasons. Number one, to make themselves feel important by reveling information that no one else knows and number two, simply is because they are a hater. Which category do you fit in? Gossiping for some people can relieve stress from a conversation, especially if the conversation wasn't going anywhere. Example, *dead Air*.....(Chris Bosh voice) Guuuuurrrrl, did you hear....? You have just revived the conversation for an aditional six minutes. All gossip conversations start with "did you hear?" To me that is worst then starting a sentence off with "What had happen was." Both of those conversational starts go through one ear and out the other. There is some type of gratification that a person gets when engaging in someone elses business. Therefore, I repeat "Mind your business, that's all...Mind your business" and not on any fighting tip, but really mind your fucking business. The moral of the story is even if there is a buy one get one half off special on some shit that don't concern you, think about all the starving kids in Croatia that can benefit from the time you have spent worrying about the wrong shit. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed


  1. Anonymous Said, manged to merge one of my favorite Fresh Prince episodes with one of my favorite activities......(head). Ok, but back to the topic at hand. Maaaaan you ain't Neva lied. Gossiping about someone is one of the worst things you can do. Especially when you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. You hit the nail on the head when you said it provides some sort of gratification for some of us. But why? I suggest that the next time you find yourself uttering the infamous "Guuuurrrrl did you hear?"......that you stop yourself in that very moment and do some self reflection. What's making me so self conscious that I feel the need to bring someone else down to lift myself up??Thanks for sharing.......BLAH

    Posted on August 6, 2012 at 10:33 PM

  2. Relle_Marie Said,

    In the words of Ms Houston herself..."Just Shut Up!"

    Posted on September 29, 2012 at 12:22 PM


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