Fee B’s Makeup Bag: Gender Bender (Not what you think)
Hello my peeps! I’ve decided since my cousins wedding is a mere 11 days away I would do a topic inspired by her. Now this is my younger( by a year cousin ) who is getting married to her high school sweet heart…please your awwwws are making me throw up a little in my mouth but anyway they have been to a total of 12-14 years I believe and they are just now getting married. She waited all this time for his proposal instead of just saying fuck the status quo and asking him to marry her. True enough it’s not as if they lost time but if the end result was always to get married why wait on him to ask her. Now in this same situation we have another gender bender situation the groom picked 11 groomsmen the bride only had 6 bridesmaids so she had to come up with more bridesmaid which is usually never a problem for a bride. Times have changed and women keep talking that equality, I can do bad by myself independence shit but not walking the walk. How many of you treat a man out to dinner? I’m not gonna even ask how many expect to be treated to a dinner by a man. Any of you volunteer to pay a bill since you can fix your mouth to ask for yours to be paid? Your need for him to ride in a BMW instead of a Nissan when your walking to the bus is exactly what? I’m not saying this is every woman but I can’t help but wonder just because we have accepted certain gender roles that doesn’t mean that it’s exclusive to that gender? What is wrong with a man being a stay at home dad? A woman being a CEO of a company. Absolutely nothing. I believe in breaking the misconceptions of gender roles. Anything a man can do a woman can besides penetration. Anything a woman can do a man can besides giving birth. Let’s stop focusing on men should do this women should do that is just do it. Until the next time I reach into my makeup bag…Live, Laugh, Love.
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"Sugar Momma"~ Beyonce
Posted on September 27, 2012 at 3:14 PM
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