Losing Wait

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 7:53 PM

  "We exercise our rights to be patient expecting instant results."~ Me
Patience is  the "fat cells" to our emotional structure...Please do not ask me where this stuff comes from, just accept it.

"Its" main purpose is to function as the primary reserves of energy for the body to draw upon, especially over extended time periods. I swear I didn't make that up....Maybe the comparison, but not the other part. Crazy, right? Don't thank me, thank God for that revelation. *high fives Jesus*
 (I'm trying to tell you that there is a purpose for passion, find yours.)
Anywho, now that we know that we need SOME fat to survive, how do we acquire it and how does it relate to patience? Some of you "hefty" mofos should "ace" this part of the quiz....You acquire it by over indulging. Indulging in things that seem good, but are not all the time good for you. (i.e candy, chips, your mate, friends, kids, etc.). I swear I'm on to something, I don't know what it is just yet, but somehow it will tie in together (you don't believe me just watch). When your body absorbs these forms of fat, it turns them into Triglycerides or SUGARS and stores them for later use. No this is not a lesson in anatomy PER SE, but on the flip side of that others often think "shit is SWEET" and play on your patience. Therefore making you exhaust more energy then you have patience stored. So what happens is when your energy exceeds your fat...You begin to lose weight. (Damn, that boy good!!!) When things begin to challenge your patience, there is only so much energy that can transpire before you begin to metaphorically "lose wait" or lose the ability to withstand. We as people are only allotted so much patience before we snap. Allow yourself a chance to create a patience's exercise regiment that will allow you to become mentally fit. There is no way to stop things from weighing on your patience, just understand how much FACT you need to store up. The moral of the story is be bulimic to the bullshit and throw that shit up, you will become healthier. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed



  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted on December 10, 2012 at 8:34 PM

  2. Unknown Said,

    I think it is definitely time for you to be discovered, i get so excited reading your work and cant wait until the rest of the world gets to experience the all mighty writer that is he you PERRY! Great job my friend! Thank you for sharing!

    Posted on December 11, 2012 at 1:39 PM

  3. Ms. Roseanne Said,

    Clearly, I am reading through older posts tonight, but this is great food for thought..."be bulimic to the bullshit and throw that shit up, you will become healthier." A to the Men. Thank ya for delivering this message. Well written and insightful piece.

    Posted on January 14, 2013 at 8:38 PM


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