HR Dept: Boo Season wrap-up: Whats your postition?

Posted by Posted by ZeeDaay On 12:48 PM

Snow has fallen, temperatures have dropped, boo’s have been cemented. What position do you find yourself in right now? Is it a good one, one that can possibly flourish throughout the year? For those who answered yes, congradu-f**king-lations. You represent 18% of the “boo season” results. For those who are either still contemplating or said “no” with conviction, don’t worry you represent 82% of the “boo season” results. Lonely as it may sound, you’re better off alone at this point. Usually this is the part where I say “no, I don’t mean that”, but I actually do this time. If you think about it, everybody knows when boo season starts and when it ends. At this time you’re the person everyone is talking about. And when I say everyone, I’m not talking about your friends; I’m talking about parents and family members. Holidays have come and pass and you had nobody with you at thanksgiving or Christmas. Parents and family members might chalk this up as ‘he/she just didn’t want us to meet her/him yet. Holidays are a big step in a relationship’. The only problem is if you have parents like mine. Moms has told me on some occasions she knows when it gets cold women and men alike are looking for someone they can bump and go out with because they don’t feel like searching for someone in below zero temps. Ain’t nobody got time for that skirt chasing at -12. 

Ok, back to my original point.

What position do YOU hold? Is it a bad b***h contest and are you in 1st place? Or are you like Danica Patrick? Potential to be a game changer, but stuck in a field with seasoned vets? Do you have ANY idea what position you hold? If not, or you are unsure, here’s some ways you can clear this up. Remember, I’m just here to help.


If and when you send nudes. Does he respond immediately or is it delayed? Every second that passes after you hit send is equivalent to 4 hrs of manual labor. Most of yall end up looking at the phone like this. 

You can take a quick answer one of two ways: He was near his phone and he liked it so much he responded fast. Or, he was texting another chick and to answer was convenient at the time. (I know that hurt a lil, its ok, its ohh kay)


 Have you met his parents? No? Ok, coo. (You don’t need me to explain this to you, do you??)



Has he picked you up, or have you been the only 1 driving?

Fellas might not like me for this one. Idgaf. You the man right? smoove it over then patna. Anyway, If a guy comes to pick you up regardless of where you stay, he's down for the commitment past the boo season. Dont take this n**ga for granted, because remember; as easy as it is to pick you up its as easy to tell you they dont feel like driving.


When he picks you up and its warm enough, does he let the windows down so everybody can see you, or does he say his window broken?

Evey guy wants to show his female lady off. If you mean nothing? .... enjoy the AC fam.

Remember, I'm just here to help

Close the door, I got to finish payroll



  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    Number 3a tho??? LMAO! This Is PERFECT timing too. I guess if I'm in the ONLY position then I have truly conquered boo season lol. This is very helpful. Great job again!!!

    Posted on January 25, 2013 at 1:08 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Another way to easily spot your position if you're a male is if you've met her kids. Any woman with class won't just let anyone meet her kids. If it's been more than 3 months and you still ain't seen lil Shorty do wap? You ain't commitment material

    Posted on January 26, 2013 at 11:50 AM

  3. Anonymous Said,

    The parents are a big step tho. My fam already know if you haven't met them they were not worth it.

    Posted on January 26, 2013 at 5:11 PM

  4. Anonymous Said,

    Dayum... Guess this was not my season. Its cool tho, my degree will keep me cool when I jet off on vacay this summer and not have to worry about entertaining somebody.

    Posted on January 26, 2013 at 5:59 PM

  5. Relle_Marie Said,

    Ha! I 2nd this!

    Posted on January 26, 2013 at 10:13 PM


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