We all have our own fears; whether it be afraid of heights, afraid of spiders or afraid of orange peels (shout out to the creep girl on Maury). If you search the term "scared" in the dictionary - you might find this: scared (adj) fearful or frightened. I'm pretty sure your wondering what does this have to do with anything. But hear me out. The question that inspired this blog came from a tweet I recently tweeted and it was along the lines of why "men scared of commitment". Now y'all know how I am, when I see a tweet , I began to rant and rave about it. So here it goes *clears throat and drinks water* here we go.
Let's start from the ground up. When you where a kid, you subconsciously learned from your parents relationship. You watched them smile and be happy as hell and you have seen them battle thru the toughest of situations. You secretly wanted to grow up and grow old like them. Now if you was like me, you seen your parents happy at the beginning of the marriage and tear apart close to the end. *cues readers to go awww* Then you have those who never spent time with their parents and yearned for that "fatherly attention" or "motherly love".
Now I know y'all like, what point is he getting at, be patient young grasshoppers. In all these situations, you learned how relationships operate. And from that lesson, that's how you thought a marriage or relationship was supposed to be. If you grow up watching your dad beat your mom and she keeps doing nothing about it, you're going to think it's ok to be in and support an abusive relationship. If you grow up with both parents and your parents constantly COMMUNICATE their disagreements and have an argument without them splitting up, that's what you will do. If you grew up constantly watching ya pops having hella females around, that's all you know is have a lot of females in ya life to hold certain points in life, whether it be good sex, good food or just intellectual conversation. You feel like you have to have all these to feel "complete"...
Now fast forward to now. You're constantly in relationships that in somewhat are split images of your parents marriage (it's my opinion, if I'm wrong let me be wrong dammit but I know I'm right). The same relationship you're tired of is the same thing your parents went thru and you didn't learn how to treat and respect your significant other.
I know y'all like, what is he trying to say. Based on my opinion, people have commitment issues based on what they seen at home when they were kids and from previous failed relationship attempts. Commitment issues are gained over the course of ones lifetime AND watching or not watching parents respect each other the way it should be done.
One way to break this vicious cycle is to mature and understand that you can no longer place permanent hurt on people. Believe it or not, you may do 100 things right but people will always remember that one thing you did wrong. When you mature and understand that you where prematurely thinking you where ready for a relationship, you will then begin to look at YOUR FAULTS FIRST before you point out someone else's.
I grew up in a single parent home where my parents argued alot and my dad just left without event trying to put up a fight. Seeing and hearing my mom cry at night really sparked that fire to be the man who never made his woman cry... I try my hardest to always keep a smile on my girlfriend's face and reassure her that I'm always on her side and never against her. It took for her leaving me and realizing that I had to get right with me first BEFORE I got right with her. It took many unanswered calls and no reply on my text messages to see she really wasn't for my campaign. I got lucky and was blessed with another chance. Fellas you're not gonna always get lucky and get that second chance. Make that first chance count. If she's worth the commitment, make it count.
I say all that to say this , we're all scared today of what's at stake tomorrow. True love only happens one time. If its worth it, stop being scared and take that risk. Scared money don't make money.....
Amen. to that bro, that gave me some insight, Alot of what your saying is true, I know I dnt give a damn abt relationships because thr ppl who I watched never showed me they cared abt them
Posted on January 29, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Your first exposure to a relationship is watching your parents. I tend to subconsciously gravitate towards men who remind me of my father which works in my favor. I also don't think most people are afraid of commitment but afraid of failure. You really have to be comfortble with yourself before you could ever have a successful relationship. I agree and do believe that true love only happens one time and not everyone is blessed to have it. Im glad I didn't loose my chance!
Posted on January 30, 2013 at 5:11 PM
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