"If you knew better, you would do better" sound like something Derrick and Jason use to tell me when I was a jit at the boys and girls club (mega shout out to the Boys and Girls Club of America). But it's a true statement. I'm a super strong believer in that statement tho. Think about it, if you knew better, (life decision wise), you would do better as in making better decisions. I'm dedicating this entry to my female readers but fellas you can take some notes to this as well.
The first order of business I would like to address is the value of taking care of yourself. When "I" say taking care of yourself, I don't mean brushing your teeth and getting the 8 hours of recommended sleep, but I'm referring to your self esteem and knowing the value of YOU. To my women, God placed you on this earth as mans prized possession not a Christmas toy. "Christmas toy's" got some of y'all like O_o but hear me out. You always got that one cool ass toy for Christmas that you would play with for a solid month until you "got bored" of it. Ladies (and fellas, but mainly ladies) you aren't a toy, you are a diamond! You are a pearl that God placed you on this earth not to get tossed around and unappreciated. He placed you here to nurture and be the backbone to your man.
(SideNote: my black women, my Nubian queens, carry yourself as such and demand your respect. If you don't respect you, nobody else will. To my strong African American brothers, you are kings. You're not that jailbird that won't amount to anything. You are that provider for your family. Be there for your kids and never let your kids live without.)
With the music and reality garbage that we constantly put into our brains, I honestly believe that some people's value of women depreciate like a new car off the lot. Me personally, I appreciate all women. Big, small, odd shapes, well shaped, no shaped. I appreciate you all because y'all make the world turn. But you should know the worth of yourself and not let anybody else define YOU. I understand God blessed you with different attributes that he didn't bless anybody else with but it wasn't created for everybody to see.
This is going to piss alot of people off but it needs to be said. Sex wasn't created to be abused! Sex, in my opinion, is not only a great feeling, but it should not be with everybody. A preacher taught a sermon one Sunday and he was saying how everyone you have sex with, you trade some of your spirits for their spirits. Ladies, you weren't created to have sex with everybody and their friends, you where created to share that experience with your husband. (in this day in time, real pure virgins are rare). Now I'm not against sex, but choose your partners wisely. Take pride in your garden and make sure you take care of your flower. Nobody likes dead flowers. Think about it.
When it comes to relationships: ladies be supportive of your significant other. The true meaning of relationships is to help your partner become a better person, to help them drop habits and be there for them unconditionally. Relationships aren't supposed to be degrading, morally detrimental and stressful. No relationship is easy, you're not always going to see eye to eye. But COMMUNICATION AND COMPROMISE are two big keys that I think are somewhere in the lost and found. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you aren't appreciated and you always got something to complain to your girls about, you're doing yourself more harm than good. Learn your man and he will learn you (true story) find out everything he likes and learn how to do it. If you don't wanna learn, don't complain about it. Either you're gonna learn, or somebody will teach you how to please your man.
Now this is where it gets good. I touched on this point previously. But you are the only person that defines you. You make your decisions. Others opinions may influence them, but you make your decisions. Surround yourself with positive people that have common goals and watch how fast you progress. But in order to do so, you must know who you are.... Y'all didn't hear me, YOU MUST KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Take some time and figure out what you like and what you don't like. Figure out what's your style. Don't let others opinions on your life dictate who you are.
Y'all probably didn't watch the Iron Giant growing up, but it was a scene in that movie, where the iron man had discovered out he had guns and he started blowing up the town. The little boy that found him was trying to tell him that he didn't have to be destructive for people to accept him. The key part of this movie to me was, "you choose who you want to be".
So I say that to say this, practice positive reassurance. Ladies when you dress up in business attire, tell yourself that you are a QUEEN. Fellas when you throw on that shirt and tie, looked well groomed and speak with intelligence. When you feel like the world is against you and you're having a bad hair day, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself that you're beautiful. Reassuring yourself of your worth is letting you know that you are somebody and you can be on the positive end of the statistic. "If you knew better you would do better"
- #SauceApproved
You've done it again! This is nothing but the TRUTH. This is crazy because this is exactly all of the lessons I learned all over again last year and most definitely took with me in the New Year.When you know better,you do better and therefore you will also RECEIVE better! Great Job!
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 11:21 AM
I literally watch you grow up in this post. These words were written and displayed from a place deep within the very core of you surrounded by such depth and layers od soul. your words left me with a sense of well being and worth. I don't really think I thought about my value until I read your words. You have once again inspired me to be who I am supposed to be, so that I can really live and stop existing. Love you and thank you.
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 12:41 PM
Thanks for reading my post ! I tell my girlfriend all the time , people can tell you that you're beautiful all the time , but if you don't believe it yourself FIRST , you will never believe them ! Keep your head up and stand strong and tall ! God created you as a beautiful and unique individual, it's up to you to define you unique-ness - #SauceApproved
P.S thanks for reading - check out my other post out her space
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 2:49 PM
This is my first time reading and I'm really encouraged. This is such a well written post and I hope to read more in the future. Fantastic job and God Bless x.
Posted on January 22, 2013 at 4:43 PM
Thank you kindly - my next post #WhosReallyAfraid is going to be tough
Posted on January 23, 2013 at 7:51 AM
Considering your skills thus far, I know it'll be great!
Posted on January 23, 2013 at 10:49 AM
Great post!! Definitely well said and something to implement in everyday life. Maybe I should have you(as a male) come out and talk to my female clients. They get caught up in these no good relationships, then have a baby and feel "stuck" in that relationship. Hearing a MAN tell you that you are worth more than that, sounds a heck of a lot different then when it is said by a female.
Posted on January 23, 2013 at 11:28 AM
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