U-nder a
"I determine my own beliefs, therefore I am my own god"~ Me
I'll see y'all on the "other side"
First off don't judge me! And if you are F.u.c.k YOU. (F)orreal (U) (C)an (K)ick rocks
Welp, as the Church folks would say "I'm bout to step on some toes with this one"
Well I would like to start off with a question....Do you go to church because you want to go to Heaven or because you are scared to go to Hell? *drops mic* Take a minute to think about that. Who wouldn't want to go to a place where you are TOLD you can have many mansions and streets paved with gold or the fact that if you don't abide by the commandments you will go to a place where you will spend eternity in a lake of fire. (Here is were the contradictory comes in to play) The "Good Book" tells you if you managed your money right you could get those mansions right here on earth (paraphrased). I guess the confusion comes when the "already wealthy" people on this earth have this method of "paying themselves first" but the church wants you to pay your tithes first or you would be considered robbing God, which means you are breaking one of the ten commandments (thou shalt not steal). Soooooooo basically, the church would rather you have your "Mansions" when, according to the bible, nobody is gone know who you are (me personally if that is the case, I could just do with a Studio Apartment in Heaven, who am I going to invite over if I don't know anybody?). Now if you think about it, the bible says your body is the church, so technically the wealthy people on earth are already living by biblical principles, do you see the confusion? So you telling me that I could of just read the bible (at home) get that interpretation of saving money without having to pay the church 10 percent of my hard earned income that is already taxed by the government, which the government is already allowing the church to be taxed exempt.....I could be wealthy already, and I'm going to go to Heaven? The moral of the story is if Heaven equals good and Hell equals bad, just do good shit and you will be straight. Live life the best way you know how without endangering yourself or others and you can get that mansion on earth, because someone will eventually pay you for your good deeds. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MeSSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed #JustMyThoughts
Im not sure what to say. it definitely makes you think, lol just not sure how I feel about this yet. Interesting read. I'll get back to you.
Posted on March 4, 2013 at 6:10 PM
Deep. Nice post.
Posted on March 4, 2013 at 7:04 PM
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Posted on March 4, 2013 at 7:18 PM
Wow. You must really be hurting and confused inside. Im gonna pray for you. No judgment here.
Posted on March 5, 2013 at 12:32 PM
My question is why try and clean this up by saying #JustMyThoughts at the end? If you gon go to hell, go all the way!!!. You don't really wanna go tho cuz I simply see this as a cry for help. You are obviously looking for clarification. Good luck!
Posted on March 5, 2013 at 12:53 PM
"MASSAGE?" I want a "MASSAGE!" You got me P?
Posted on March 5, 2013 at 1:20 PM
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