Good Guys Finish Last

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 10:47 AM

"On your mark, get ready, get set.......GO"
Good Guys (noun)- The act of a male attempting to live life righteous under the principles of "good" 
If life was a race and women were the finish line the these type of guys would never leave the starting blocks. Ladies you probably reading this like "I got a  good man"........ WRONG!!!! cause if YOU think he's good you either ratchet cause opposites attract, therefore your good guy has finished last or you just ain't caught him cheating yet and he wasn't a good guy to begin with. I hate to be the barer of bad news but as long as we have 106 & Park, "Good Guys" we don't stand a chance. 98% of girl in the entire world, rather you black, white, yellow, brown or green want them a T.I, Plies or a LiL anybody and nothing about them screams "Good Guy". The other 2% of women are Lesbians.  Now there are exceptions to the rule and I have the secret. Ladies if you are a "Good Girl"  by definition, and wanna  bag you a  "Good Guy" they sell them at the nearest sex store and its called "pocket rocket." and men if you are a "Good Guy" by definition and looking for a "Good Girl" I'm sorry to inform you, but another race has them. With that being said, black guys find a white girl and white guys find a black girl....... Its that simple.  "Good Guys" in like any sport there is a way to cheat if you want to stay within your race, but if you cheat that will be an act of bad, which means you still finish last. #RickeyBobbyTrick............ MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed


  1. Perry Jay Said,

    what you think?

    Posted on March 4, 2012 at 12:57 AM

  2. Relle_Marie Said,

    WRONG! Not all good girls want bad guys and I am a prime example. Why would I want someone to treat me badly or cheat on me. I plan to treat my man like a king so in return I expect nothing less than to be treated like a queen. Idris Elsa's character in Daddy's Little Girls......Mmmm now that's a good man. So I say booo to your philosophy. You need to do a little more research!

    Posted on March 4, 2012 at 7:16 AM

  3. Relle_Marie Said,

    "5 Miles to Empty"~ Brownstone

    Posted on September 27, 2012 at 3:50 PM


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