#TheSauceFiles: Friends

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 5:00 PM

Friend - a person whom one knows and with whom one has a mutual bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.
If you read that definition it's pretty obvious of what a "friend" is. But in the current time we live in, the word "friend" is overused (in my opinion). Over the course of our adolescent school days, we have made a great amount of "friends". But out of that great amount, how many of them do you still share that same friendship bond that you did 16-17 years ago ? I can honestly say, out of all the people I knew growing up that I called "friend" , I have no clue of there whereabouts or quite frankly don't care about. In college I made a lot of "friends", but honestly out of the hundreds of people I met , I only maintain a true friendship with only a handful. Out of that handful only 3, I can only call one my friend (shout out to the Brodie @Fye_Scott). Like always I know y'all wondering where is he going with this.... Just hear me out once again.
The word friend use to mean so much to us back in the day. Sharing toys and having spend the night parties would automatically ordain someone as your "friend". In this day in time , the word "friend" gets tossed around more than majority of words outside of loyalty, trust and etc (which I will touch on lately). A lot of people refer to someone that doesn't refer to them as a friend. Some see their "friends" struggle and continue to watch them swim in struggle without offering a helping hand. Some refuse to let people on their team go thru that situation.
This next topic is very sensitive to me *pours water out for RoadTripShawty*. Before I had my car, I knew a lot of people, but for some reason my follower count inclined as soon as people found out I had a car. I was everybody's friend, especially when they needed a ride to work or they wanted to mob with me to the party. But the day my car broke down, I really found out who my friends really were. After my car broke down, I called everybody who I thought was my "friend" and watched excuse after excuse pour in on why they couldn't help or "how much they wish they could help but something came up". I eventually called my folks to come get me (luckily they came to the rescue). When folks started finding out my car was sleep, the amount of text messages, tweets and phone calls rapidly decreased and I was once again, that nigga that didn't have a car. I was so hurt that all the people that I thought fucked with me was only using me for what I had, instead of who I was.
How does that have any relevance to this topic you're wondering.. Look at the people you call or the people that call you "friend". Are you really a friend ? When they come to you for advice, do you listen because you genuinely care or do you listen just to run back and tell other people ? I'm a strong believer in the concept of: the person you are to other people, is the person that people are to you. I believe that people treat others based on how they've been treated or how they treat others. It makes perfect sense tho. If you use to run back and tell other people business about folks after they talked to you in confidence, that's why people do it to you. It's a vicious cycle and this is where I believe loyalty, trust and honesty comes into the equation.
I've recently grown an inner hate towards the word "loyalty". Just like love, people throw loyalty around entirely to much. Loyalty in my opinion, is honoring and respecting others people's opinion and supporting them in all their decisions. Loyalty is being a supportive and positive in every situation and doing things that you don't HAVE TO DO, but doing things you WANT TO DO. A real friend doesn't feel like they have to do anything for you, they do what they do because they really want to help your situations. But I see people make all these tweegrams and tweets about how cool they are with such and such and how they be happy in all they pictures. But little do they know, the same person they taking pictures with and sharing all these secrets with, are really sitting at a round table and a drawing board planning their downfall. They are waiting for you to fail and quite frankly violating your character.
Some folks spend their whole life finding some one they trust and will do whatever it takes to maintain that trust. Whether it be, lying to save they ass or trying to fit in to be like them instead of embracing being an individual. The word trust gets misused because of the people that you think are your "friends" and say "you can trust me with anything" (like stated earlier) are planning a way to make you fall and become nothing.
I say all that to say this. You can't force people to do anything that they don't want to do. If people wanna accept you for your flaws they will, if not, they will pretend to and constantly sneak diss and say slick shit and throw the "JK" card in. (Because in all jokes, there is some seriousness) When it comes to friendship, I really believe that true friends are obvious and everybody else ain't ya friends. Everybody doesn't have your best interest at heart.
A real friend will see your change and accept your change and keep you motivated to continue to be something great.
In the words of my homie @phade2black, "See it to believe it, if its in hands reach grab it, if you feel it achieve it, cause at the end, you live with the results if you do or if you don't!" Encourage your friends to apply themselves in different opportunities that will help benefit them and help them become a better person. Don't judge people off the materialistic values, honor the person they are and embrace them. Don't sneak diss or talk down on the people you call "friend" because at the end of the day, "you reap what you sow"


  1. Relle_Marie Said,


    Posted on February 7, 2013 at 5:58 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    "Friends, how many of us have them. Friends, ones we can depend on"

    Posted on February 7, 2013 at 9:53 PM

  3. Starrliina Said,

    I understand where you're coming from. People need to be more discriminate. It will save a lot of pain and stress in the long run. Also, we need to remember that we will miss out on the good stuff if we focus on the bad stuff. Let bad friends stay in the past so you can embrace the true blue pals.

    Posted on February 7, 2013 at 10:09 PM


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