Fee B's Makeup Bag: 4th of July Edition

Posted by Posted by Fee B. On 2:49 PM

Hello World! This is Fee B’s Makeup Bag…if you’ve never looked inside a woman’s makeup bag let me be the first to tell you it contains a little bit of everything and this blog will be no different. It’s going to touch on a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The item I’m pulling out of my bag today seems fitting as we all sit around wasting the holiday away on “Reality TV”. Now I cant say that I don’t indulge in the trashiness that saturates our televisions but it took a long time to get there. And now that I’ve arrived I’m sad to say I’m here. There’s such an OVER abundance of shows for viewers to watch that I’ve even come up with a few crazy shows of my own to pitch to the networks! And as far fetched as some of these show concepts are I might actually get mine picked up! The issue I have with the Reality TV wave is that it’s not really reality. Real life has no second takes, no scripts to get people interested, no security or producers to step in and catch the bullet or bottle flying. So how can this be even considered reality? Where in real life do they put a bunch of people in a dope house…rent free, provide them with liquor and VIP access to wherever they want to go and then pay them for being at certain hot spots? No where. Are the lives of mainly has beens or nobody's aka celebrity ex wives/baby mamas worth putting a spotlight on compared to the lives of the everyday woman’s struggle and juggling that more of us can relate to? I’m not saying that the scripted shows were that much better, but at least our intelligence wasn’t insulted by them saying it’s apples when we clearly are looking at oranges. At this point I’m not sure who to blame…the audience for continuing to watch or even watching in the first place…the creators for continuously coming up with more garbage shows…or the networks for picking up all these shows and providing non stop lineups of bullsh*t. Is this the future of television? Well kiddies be easy until the next time I reach into my makeup bag…




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