Welcome to The G Spot….The Woman Zone (Explicit Content)
Hey…thanks for stopping by The G Spot…The Woman Zone. Let's get right to it...The topic for today is to: spit or to swallow? Contrary to what some may think this goes both ways. It’s a given, a woman has the choice when giving head to do one of the following: A) Suck the dick until he’s about to cum and just when he’s about to… remove your mouth so he can nut maybe on your face or neck or my personal favorite…on the tits. B) Suck dick and catch the nut and spit it out. C) Suck and swallow. I must admit I’ve done them all! Now when it comes down to the guys eating pussy, for me there is no question in order to do it right you have to swallow our creamy filling. You can't get down there and pussyfoot around just licking the outside and not even put your face into it. And if that’s the way you eat pussy…please either step your game up TREMENDOUSLY or stop doing it. If your face is dry when you come up, just off that I’d grade your skill at sucking pussy a C- at best. You have to put your face in it, and be continuous with your licking, sucking and slurping and in doing that, well swallowing is inevitable. Now with me being pro head in all applicable ways: girl giving guy, guy giving girl, girl giving girl (and tho I'm not male I must show love for my dudes who roll that way guy giving guy) I say why not? I know it’s risky out there with all the diseases and I’m in no way saying go swallow everyone’s nut but if you’re even sucking someone’s dick or eating someone’s pussy you must trust that they are disease free so why not swallow…or at least catch and spit privately…let them have the illusion of you taking it all in. Guys you don’t get off easy either. The same shit that coats your dick when you’re fucking…that lovely wet feeling that shows you how much we like how you’re hittin’ that shit….is the same wetness that you should be slurping up. Don’t be afraid of it, that’s just the payday for a job well done. If she’s clean and shaved which is my personal favorite on a chick…it can actually be a really fun thing to do…But we’ll touch more on that when we explore the Oral Fixation! Tonight’s homework assignment…Give and or get some head…and don’t stop until it’s time to bust that nut and make sure you catch all those juices and swallow if you never have before. If you have, well just go with what you know! Hope to hear from you first timers and pros soon…Happy Humping!
**A SMALL TIP: If you want your partners “love juices” to taste sweeter…fresh fruit will do the trick. Add some strawberries, pineapples, or whatever fruit you prefer to your diet to enjoy that sweet treat when you swallow J
what I love most about what you say is that you speak the truth. Sucking dick is an art that cannot be truly enjoyed unless you can actually taste the cum( fun) in your mouth. I think spitting out the cum is disrespectful and degrading and should be reconsidered if you consider yourself a pro.
Posted on July 6, 2012 at 5:45 PM
I couldn't agree more with what you said Anonymous...it's just a lil cum...suck it up...pun intended! ;)
Posted on July 10, 2012 at 8:07 PM
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