
Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 10:48 PM

Inspired by the full Moon

"Never attempt to wear your own shadow, it is only tailored specifically to fit your ego" ~ Me

Words will never carry value unless we give them a sense of importance. Interpretation is the key to understanding purpose. If language is an art, then we are all artist and our words can portray whatever. With that being said, we have already established that my mind ain't shit, but tonight I had an epiphany........You want to hear it? Well here it go.........The universe has a strange way of making a point, but makes for good entertainment. The desire for attention can cause an individual to act out of character hence the phrase "showing your ass." Now the word "moon" according to that Fresh Prince episode is in reference to when Carlton stuck his butt out the car window....Moon is the act of pulling down one's pants showing his or her ass, usually in the event of embarrassment. Moonlight, in a more literal sense is an existing word which would mostly be defined as a glow reflecting from the moon in the solar system. It has now taken on a deeper meaning. We have all encountered that one "attention whore" that actually believes that ALL publicity is good publicity. Therefore, they will do anything for the center stage. This is mostly common in toddlers and the entire cast of Jersey Shore. As a sure sign of G.O.O.D character, your good should always out weigh your bad and as an attention seeker, you should want your audience to remember you for your G.O.O.D characteristics. You should NOT want to be remembered as the person who "banged out" Ray J.(shots fired at Kim k). Because society has made it acceptable to become "famous" by indulging in selfless acts, "showing one's ass" has now become second nature to some. As you may recall in earlier blog post, it is not my duty to be judgmental, but as a scholar and a gentleman, I encourage you to "Moonlight" or lighten up on showing your ass in search of attention. The moral of the story is the Universe can sometimes tell you what people are afraid to. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous Said,

    As always I loved your quote.The act of showing your ass isn't a bad thing. It shows who you really are. Beyonce said it best......."You showed your ass and I saw the real you." So when people do it, I don't think they are doing anything that is out of their character. Come on now. We all know Carlton only did outlandish things because deep down he wanted to be more like Will. I do agree that where the fault lies is doing it just for attention. I love it when people show their ass. So I say don't "lighten up on the mooning" just make sure what you show is something you'd be proud of.

    Posted on July 3, 2012 at 2:46 AM


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