Sole Mate

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 7:30 PM

We live in a time where fashion dominates our lives. Everyone wants to keep up with the latest fad and trends, but just as your purse compliments your shoes or your tie accentuates your style, so should your partner.  In other words, you shouldn't be a "nickel" looking for a "dime" hoping to make a "quater." Your partner should be the ham to your burger, the ice for your beverage or the ice cream for your cake <------shout out to Rihanna . Throughout my study of the female species I have adapted  this  theory. Men, when determining if she is right for you, you should check out her shoe game.  I believe the shoes you wear is a reflection of your personality. Therefore you should think of  women as three types of shoes: a Stiletto, a Flat, or a Gym Shoe. The Stiletto type is that women that is elegant yet sexy, sophisticated and a risk taker. Most important is she likes to party. The Flat type is that women that is multipurpose, she understands the importance comfort and is laid back, this type of women can be casual but still take care of business. Most important she is hardworking. Last is your Gym Shoe type, this women is the no non-sense type but can relate better to her man. This type of women also is not scared of the gym and keeps her body and health in good condition. Most important she is fun but can be mistaken as one of the guys. When identifying your "Sole Mate" you want a women with an equal number of each, give or take a few. Theory is patent pending. The moral of the story if she has more shoes with shoestrings you might be dating a dude. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed.    


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