Pocket Watch

Posted by Posted by Perry Jay On 4:04 PM

Who you remember this?

"Hey, what time is it?"
"Half past a monkey's ass & a quarter til his balls"

Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with this entry...Well, maybe a little bit I guess...Time comparison...Anyway, Based On A True Story (that I made up): You Ready, Set, G-O....I know what time it really is...Time for you to stop eyeballing my wallet. (This reminds me of this nursery rhyme....Want to hear it...Well here it go: Tick Tock, Tock Tick That is the sound of you "watching" my pockets bitch. What goes in and comes out is non of your concern, so what there is a hole where MY last check burn. The bills are paid, may have been a little late. Fuck you telling your friends it's been a while since we went on a date. What do they know, they're slow...One thing for sure, I got that Madden tho...)Now before you go bashing me or this blog, you know there is always message you can get out of it. Currently at this very moment I have not the slightest idea of what that message is, but before I give you my signature sign off I'm sure something would have transpired, so keep reading. (30 minutes later) The number one thing that causes turmoil in a relationship are finances, the all mighty dollar has hurt more relationships than an "accidental" peek at an unsolicited text messages. Rather it is the fact of the mismanagement of funds or simply not bringing home enough "bacon" ummmmmmm, bacon.....I love bacon..(lets pause for bacon). Anyway, As you get older, you come to realize that relationships are give and take, more give and less take and as strange as this sounds, if both parties abide by this rule it somehow balances everything out. That might have been one of those math equation we all slept through in highschool. Picture this if you will, a triangle...There are three points; two at the base and one at the top. It is said that if you and your mate place yourself at either spectrum of the base of that triangle and focus on God (which is the top point of the triangle) then there is nothing, not even financial disparities that can detour the relationship due to the fact that there is a common denominator. So instead of her/him "watching" your pockets focus on spending time together <----(double entendre). The moral of the story is Karma is a bitch, be stingy with the money and she gone take half eventually. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed 


  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted on September 27, 2012 at 7:16 AM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    "Cool"~Anthony Hamilton

    Posted on September 27, 2012 at 12:11 PM

  3. Anonymous Said,

    This is very deep and I love your analogies. But im a little confused. Why is it wrong for your partner to "watch" your pockets?? I agree that shouldn't be the most important thing in a relationship but she at least has the right to know what's going on.if you really care that much about what she sees, maybe you are not being honest about whats "going in and coming out" Why would you want to "spend time" with a fake person? Great post.

    Posted on September 30, 2012 at 7:19 AM


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