Welcome to the G Spot… The Woman Zone: 3sums, 4sums and More-somes

I have to start out by apologizing for the delay in posting but there was a death in my technological family. My laptop unfortunately died today, cause of death LCD/LED internal bleeding. So with that said I had to of course bid adieu properly. Now that I have paid my respects…what’s up G Spot freaks? Did you enjoy that long holiday weekend? Did you hopefully get your freak on at some point…I did not to rub it in your face or anything just want to set the tone for today’s G Spot topic. If you didn’t get to get your freak on with someone this weekend hopefully you partied alone and if you REALLLLLY partied this weekend you may have had some group action. I prefer to not call them ménage a trois seeing how that just translates to “household of three” but for the sake of making a point what the hell a ménage or a threesome, foursome or more-some. I didn’t participate in one this weekend but I have participated in a 3 some (a guy, a girl and myself) I’ve also participated in a 4 some( 3 girls one guy) and a more some…with all women of course. I’m not knocking women who have the fantasy of all male ménages and more but I personally don’t want so many dicks in or around me in one session. That’s just me. But as far as my experiences go I must say it’s something I think everyone should try at least once. It’s different combinations of ways to try it so there’s something for everyone. I do have a few rules to the sexual experience well more so suggestions for those of you who aren’t pussies. 1. If you do choose to do it with someone you are in a relationship with PLEASE talk about what makes you uncomfortable as far as what you wouldn’t want done. For me it’s kissing…and of course it must be protected, yes it’s a little odd to stress using a condom when your face diving into a pussy or dual dick sucking but it’s for peace of mind. 2. Check out porn flicks that showcase the number you plan on dabbling with…it will give you ideas for positions and creative tricks to try seeing how more than likely you’re doing it for the first time 3. I’d really suggest to not use a friend as the third party even though you may feel better knowing them it may end up being an issue later. 4. Have a little chill time before it happens, maybe do a meet and greet prior to the big night or have some drinks before it starts to go down. 5. RELAX. Everyone is nervous so no one is judging performance, it’s an experience to be enjoyed so do just that enjoy it. Now I’m going to give you the homework assignment of attempting to try to have a threesome or more-some. If it’s not within reach at the moment go download a flick of whatever kind of threesome you would attempt(if your ass wasn‘t so scared of sex outside the box): girl on girl on girl, guy, guy ,girl whatever get’s that soldier standing at attention or gets little Miss kitty purring. Imagine that being you, put yourself in the flick and reconsider your unwillingness to try it. Alright folks I’ve touched on this enough, I will leave you to start your assignment…next up The 80/20 Dilemma. Happy Humping

1 Comment

  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    Raw,deep, sensual, intimate,and passionate. These words describe my idea of GOOD sex. I definitely don't knock anyone who participates in "some mo somes" cuz im for sure gonna do what I want in MY bed, but it takes mental stimulation and "some mo" stuff to get me to that level. Believe it or not when I'm banging some one 9 times out of 10 I'm thinking about something he said earlier that blew my mind. I just don't think sex with multiple people at once could ever achieve that.....but maybe I'm the one whose miss out. Damn my mind for being connected to my box. Smh.

    Posted on September 4, 2012 at 7:37 PM


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