Urinal Cake: Virgins Wanted

Posted by Posted by ZeeDaay On 12:08 PM

Ladies if your box was a food, what would it be? If it was an amusement park, which one would it be? (Be careful with that one. Nobody wants a Six Flags box) If you were to auction off the box, what would be the highest bid? Don’t know? It’s ok, think about it this weekend and get back with HR on Monday.

Apparently, someone’s pure, untouched pleasure section is worth a whopping $780,000.

 By losing something, Catarina Migliorini could gain $780,000.
The 20-year-old Brazilian woman has been auctioning off her virginity online for the past few weeks and a man from Japan known as "Natsu" came out on top with the winning bid.

Natsu beat out five other bidders after a feverish final day where the price of Migliorini's virtue jumped from $190,000 on Oct. 23 to the final $780,000 price tag.

The news wasn't so good for her male counterpart, Alex Stepanov, whose virginity only racked up $3,000 from a woman in Brazil named "Nene B."

Although Migliorini, a physical education student, has claimed to media that she planned to donate as much as 90 percent of the auction price to charities that will build homes in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, even auction organizer Justin Sisely, who devised the plan for a proposed documentary, was skeptical.

"I was surprised she said that because in all my dealings with her, she made it clear that it was a business decision for her," Australian filmmaker Justin Sisely told The Huffington Post recently. "Now, given how big this story is in Brazil, she's trapped. If she doesn't give any money to charity, she's going to look bad."

Now, this urinal cake does NOT go to Catarina, I’d be mighty proud if my pleasure pole went for $780,000 just so a woman can put the 1st mile on the odometer. It goes to Natsu. SON, if you have nearly 800k to spend on some virginated box I’m sure there are heauxs out there in Japan that will “GO” for some Saki and a loose square. If women are the same here as they are there, the simple mention of money will get them to buss you down with they momma. You’ve got to be one lonely ass SOB to actually execute idea of spending that much cash on a “shot”. Just me, but, what if the box aint fye? What if she don’t give head? Pay 800k for sex with no head? What IF its worth the money? Would you pay again? Can I take a load off in there? How freaky can we get? What if she likes it? Can I get a partial refund or discount? Like I said before, I DON’T WANT BOX THAT POWERFUL! I’ve seen friends wither away because of perfect shots. Hell, I’ve been subject to great shots that left me leaning like Everclear straight. What if his joint is not to your liking soon as he drops the drawls? Do you proceed or do you have standards?

Soooooooooo many questions I’d like to ask these two future swingers. Until then ……….

Everybody give Natsu a HUGE flush….

I need to get in touch with my dude after he does this. Im really curious to hoe..oops.. How this will turn out.

“But Hey, What Do I Know?”
*Splits White Owl*


1 Comment

  1. Relle_Marie Said,

    LMAO....I really enjoyed this.I'm gonna pass on the "ladies if your box" questions simply because I dont think any woman has the right to rate her own box. Hell, Im not ashamed to admit that I've asked for a rating or two lol.

    Posted on October 26, 2012 at 12:44 PM


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