Human Resource Dept: Can I talk to yall for a minute pt. 2

I haven’t had a chance to talk to y'all for a minute, so here it is.

“Can I talk to y'all for a minute” pt. 2

What is your purpose?

I’m not here to preach, that’s your pastor’s job, not mine. I’ve found myself talking to not only my constituents, but also middle aged adults about the reasons of why we are here on this earth. I’m a firm believer that everyone has a purpose and it’s up to us to find out what that is. We often become too complacent with our current position in life, and what I mean by that is; we often “stay” because we end up leaning on wages, insurance benefits, and loyalty, but the number one culprit is fear. Fear of failure, fear of other people judging you, fear of actually succeeding. I found out, as much as we say we “don’t give a f**k” we actually “give all the f**ks” in the world. We might not want to admit it tho. We get consumed in what people think are the right things for US to do, therefore molding our path into something that isn’t necessarily designed for US. Too often I see people dressed the same way, talk the same way, and act the same way and that seems according to what they see in the media. We’ve gotten away from originality, and what defines us as individuals. “When we forget what we should be, we find out what we are.” Everyone is here for a reason. Nobody but the Big Homie JC knows. It’s in all possible that you’ve passed up your purpose trying to fulfill someone else’s opinion of what YOU should be. There is somebody right now making 75k a year with a good car and benefits miserable as shit. Why? Because they know there’s something out there greater for them, but is afraid to buss a move. On the other hand you have someone making a simple 28k a year with a decent car and benefits living life to the fullest. Why? Because they’ve found their purpose, and realize there is no greater satisfaction than to do what’s in their heart. Where they succeed, most of us fail. Life isn’t about taking the short cut, its all about the scenic route. Sometimes struggle is a must, sometimes the best things are the hardest to get. If what you want is easy to obtain, then it’s not something you need, but what you want. Don’t be scared to go out on a limb and shoot for the moon, hell if you miss, you’re still amongst the stars.

When you think about what you need, does it make you scared or frightened?
It should.

Does it pain you not to have it?
 It should.

Pops: “you can’t be scared to take a shot; you just have to do it”

Son: “Dad, I don’t even know what to aim at!”

Pops: “Doesn’t matter, sometimes it great just to hear the gun go off”

We aren’t all here to be the same. Find your purpose.


Conspiracy Theory

                                                                                     Conspiracy Theory

It’s Wednesday so you already know what it is so let’s get to it. I must admit on my day off after I drop the little one off at school I grab me a Caramello(a better version of a cappuccino…well in my eyes) from a coffee shop I love catch up on my celeb gossip and then I go back to sleep. When I wake up I pick out a few movies to curl up on the couch with pour me a glass of wine and flame one up. Usually I pick a horror movies or lifetime like movies. So I ended up watching some low budget horror movie that I’ve never heard of with these prehistoric vultures attacking people because they drank some contaminated water. Long story short these teens being attacked find the scientist or doctor guy that polluted the water. He tells them he was forced by the government to dispose of the cure to cancer that he created. The cure mixed with chemicals caused this outbreak. So I get to wondering while I’m watching this movie how realistic could that situation be. Is it possible that a scientist or doctor has come up with cures for any or all these ailments: Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s and chose to keep it under wraps or scrap it completely because it’s more profitable to keep people sick? Think about how much money the health care industry makes from the insured and uninsured, the grants, the research, the trials? I hate to put it out there but Magic Johnson is the healthiest and thickest guy I’ve ever seen with HIV. Is it because he could afford to by the cure and keeping him alive is beneficial to keeping the rich rich. With all that they can do with technology and with all the research and knowledge they have done into all these sicknesses that are slowly but surely killing us is it far fetched to think that the government is conspiring to get rid of the weak links…aka those of us who can’t afford to buy this cure so that money can keep making the world go round? I’d even go as far to say maybe some of these illnesses were created to do the dirty work for the government and only those they feel are worth saving will be given the cure. Trust me this isn’t just the movie talking. I’ve always had a issue with the government. They lie and they keep shit under wraps and curing all the sick could be one more way they are fucking us over. This is just one of many conspiracy theories I have stay tuned for part II…I’m going where no one dares to go…toe to toe with the Illuminati. Thanks again folks for letting me into your heads so I can make love to your minds…until next week


F.u.c.k Church

U-nder a

"I determine my own beliefs, therefore I am my own god"~ Me

I'll see y'all on the "other side"

First off don't judge me! And if you are F.u.c.k YOU.  (F)orreal (U) (C)an (K)ick rocks
Welp, as the Church folks would say "I'm bout to step on some toes with this one"
Well I would like to start off with a question....Do you go to church because you want to go to Heaven or because you are scared to go to Hell? *drops mic* Take a minute to think about that. Who wouldn't want to go to a place where you are TOLD you can have many mansions and streets paved with gold or the fact that if you don't abide by the commandments you will go to a place where you will spend eternity in a lake of fire. (Here is were the contradictory comes in to play) The "Good Book" tells you if you managed your money right you could get those mansions right here on earth (paraphrased). I guess the confusion comes when the "already wealthy" people on this earth have this method of "paying themselves first" but the church wants you to pay your tithes first or you would be considered robbing God, which means you are breaking one of the ten commandments (thou shalt not steal). Soooooooo basically, the church would rather you have your "Mansions" when, according to the bible, nobody is gone know who you are (me personally if that is the case, I could just do with a Studio Apartment in Heaven, who am I going to invite over if I don't know anybody?). Now if you think about it, the bible says your body is the church, so technically the wealthy people on earth are already living by biblical principles, do you see the confusion? So you telling me that I could of just read the bible (at home) get that interpretation of saving money without having to pay the church 10 percent of my hard earned income that is already taxed by the government, which the government is already allowing the church to be taxed exempt.....I could be wealthy already, and I'm going to go to Heaven? The moral of the story is if Heaven equals good and Hell equals bad, just do good shit and you will be straight. Live life the best way you know how without endangering yourself or others and you can get that mansion on earth, because someone will eventually pay you for your good deeds. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MeSSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed #JustMyThoughts

Human Resource Dept: Office Visits

First and foremost, f**k this snow fam.

Here's another installment of “Office Visits”

“KD (Kevin Durant) has the same grade hair as Forest Whittaker”

“Smh… folks out here letting the same old things excite them”

“The path to hell is often paved with good intentions”

“You only want whats easy…. That’s why what you get never lasts”

“People gotta be able to have a productive convo with you in real life before they like your personality”

“Ladies, talking and using slang like a dude gets you further away from the wedding dress”

”N*** s will cheat on their girl before they cheat on their barber”

“How much you think is a reasonable price for the Instagram app if you ugly?”

“USPA – U Should Pay Attention cuz that’s not real Polo”

“Woman u interested in call u “bro” its only 2 options: Put that missile on her thigh immediately or ask which friend she hookin u up wit”


Ex Marks the G Spot

                                                                  Ex Marks the G Spot

Allow me to reintroduce myself…it’s your girl Fee B aka Queen Fee bba (but born as) Felicia. And I’m your Wild Card Ringleader. Since we all know of Wednesday as hump day it’s only fitting that I’m the Wednesday Writer and today that’s what we’re talking about. What’s the Wild Card for today you may be asking…well today we are debating if Ex Sex is a good or a bad thing. Now I will be the 1st to admit that I’m guilty of this heinous crime but please let me plead me case before you find me guilty of lust. In most cases it was just an act of indulgence more than likely after a night of sipping and smoking. There were also a few horny moments I dipped back for the sake of a familiar fuck nothing more nothing less. I’m speaking of those instances where it ends up being more than an one-time thing and those feelings that once were there start to resurface the more we keep sexing the ex. Now of course I’m old enough to know that sex is just sex unless otherwise stated but when the sex is too good to stop and once upon a time you had real feelings for this person how do you ignore the feelings brought on by some good ass sex? Sure it’s easy to say just stop or remember why you aren’t together anymore or just not care but let’s be honest…the likelihood of that happening is slim who’s going to give up getting that good good especially when before that you weren’t getting any besides the pleasure your provide yourself. Now sure you can go have sex with someone you don’t have a history with…but you run the risk of whack sex…damn the stigma of a one night stand, hey in these days and times who hasn’t had one or 5. Or you can go the option I mentioned before and honestly self-gratification can only go so far for so long. So tell me folks is sex with an ex an automatic no no, a definite disaster waiting to happen or is there a way to have no feelings come into play when you decide to go fuck a former flame? I’d love to hear what you peeps have to say on this Wild Card Topic…until the next hump day thank you for letting me into your heads to make love to your minds.


Fee B


#TheSauceFiles: TIme Flies


I'm going to share this quick story with y'all and end the post on that note. If you don't think about life differently then I will pray for your life.
I was at the park the other day operating my ride and this lady came up to me. She came up to me and asked, "is it ok if I stand right here and take this picture real quick?" I really wasn't supposed to let her stand in the unload area, but I figured it was a real legit reason of why she wanted the picture. So I asked, "who are you taking a picture of?" Her response touched my heart and it gave me a different outlook on life.
She told me, "my family is here and my daughter has a little one that's 20 months old and was born with Down Syndrome and just a few weeks ago, she was diagnosed with Leukemia. We don't know when her time is up, but we figured the least we could do is bring her to Disney world and create a few memories for the parents. Time is something you can't get back, she's only been here 20 months and we don't even know when her time is up."
If you define the word "Time" , Time (n)- the indefinite continued progress of existence and events of the past, present and future regarded as well. How many hours are in a day ? 24 right ? Now subtract the time you spend getting ready for class, being in class and hanging with your friends. How much time of that do you have to yourself ?
One thing people don't understand about life is this: people run the cliché "time is of the essence" down the drain, but continue to take their loved ones and their current situations for granted. In order to grow up, you must understand that every second isn't guaranteed. You must understand that you really have to use your time wisely.

Human Resource Dept: Girly girls

"If the Queen had balls, she'd be the King" - Don't know, but it sounds logical

Let me begin by saying, y'all ain't men fam.

Somewhere along the line women (not all) have become entrenched with the thought men don't want a "girly girl". That they want a lady who can change break pads instead of cook a home cooked meal. Or, a chick that will say "tough it up" instead of nursing that laceration you got from work f**king with those fork lifts. Now, nowhere I'm i saying women shouldn't be independent, because no man wants a lazy woman, but what I'm saying is that sometimes the man needs to be able to "open the jar", and women need to "nurse wounds". I have no time to explain those phrases, simply because you should already know what they mean. If you don't, no one will want you long term. I blame part of this epidemic on Michael Jordan. Women stopped heel shopping and started gym shoe shopping. I'm sure there are a couple of y'all out there that do a decent job of displaying both. All we want from y'all are to do the things our mothers do, for example; Drive with the seat all the way up, Let ya wrist hang when holding a purse, be scared to drive big cars, own a cheap snow brush, for jeezy's sake smile in a picture, wear a damn dress. Nothing is better than returning to your woman from a hard days work to put your head in her lap as she strokes that fresh taper then asking you "you hungry?"     now y'all wanna hold assault rifles on album covers dressed in lingerie? That not sexy, that's confusing. What we tryna sell here? Sex, skill or hunting equipment? SECRET: if y'all sound alike it won't work out. I'm just saying, think about it. You scared to cuss her out cause she sound like you. Same octaves on her F's and B's like you do. You shook thinking its your father yelling at you, and you're confused because you never met your father. I think it's time to start reenforcing this fellas. If we continue to let this go any further; soon enough its going to be like Big Shirley and Cole's relationship; overwhelming. Buy some sh!t thats mad simple to put together, but comes with a lot of screws and build that joint in front of her. If she asks to help, tell her "nahhh im good, but I'll be hungry when i finish tho" Subtle, yet direct. One time i was riding in a car with a chick that was leaning so hard, she could turn her head and look out the back window. No Lie fam! Then there was this one other chick that kept saying "joe, son, and B" after everything. Didnt know if i was talking to Plies or Philly's Most Wanted. All im saying is one of the reasons why some of you are single is because you remind n**gas of they uncle. Don't be that person. I believe in balance, so find a good balance of knowing when to wear gym shoes and when to bust out the heel joints. If by chance "Girly Girls" still exist? We love you, we really do.
Close the Door, I got Payroll to finish

My 3 Loves

               My 3 Loves

Bonjour Bitches! You know it must be hump day if you’re reading Fee B’s Wild Card Topic and as usual I’m bringing you the crazy stuff that crosses my mind or things that may happen to me since the last installment of Wild Card. The Topic for today is “My 3 Loves” and no I’m not saying that I’m in love with 3 people…though I have been in love with 2 at the same damn time…but that’s a future Wild Card Topic ;)… What I’m talking about today is the debate about everyone in the world having 3 loves at some point in your life: Your 1st love, your real/true love, and your soul mate. Now I’m in no way saying that any or all of these have to be romantic…nor am I saying that they all can’t be romantic. Being 30 and a Mother has taught me a lot about love. I’ve said it to people because I thought that’s what I was feeling at 13. There was once a time I thought my 1st love was this guy I was dating back in Junior High. He was the 1st person that told me I love you and the 1st person I said it back to so naturally I assumed he was my 1st love and when he was killed I just memorialized him as just that “My 1st Love” but saying I love you doesn’t necessarily make it love. It wasn’t until I had my son that I realized he was my 1st love. I would in fact do anything for him and anything to protect him(as any parent…well most parents would do). He came first. It wasn’t about the gifts I got or the feeling I got which is how I know I didn’t really know what love was until I actually gave birth at 24…fucking shame 11 years of fooling myself but the cost of learning life the hard way is worth the reward of lesson for me. I suppose I was thinking that the three loves given all had to be of a romantic capacity and I couldn’t have been more wrong. Now I do believe that one person can hold 2 of those love spots maybe all 3 if you’re lucky. My best friend happens to be my real love/true love. We met in 8th grade dated, broke up, messed around, lost touch reunited, dated, slept together, fell in love, stopped dating and still slept together and all the while we remained friends. The talk about your days, text funny shit too, brings you a drink when your day is going horrifically wrong best friend. We can talk for hours and still have plenty to talk about and we can also sit on the phone watching television in silence and it not be uncomfortable. The love is real and unconditional because of all we’ve gone through and remained as tight as we have. When I see my future I can’t see him not in it. In some capacity I prefer for him to be in my life romantically speaking or otherwise, though I have to believe that if it didn’t work twice maybe the third time won’t be the lucky charm. It’s best to leave well enough alone. Now when it comes to my soul mate it’s my coworker…I LOVE HER!!! She’s younger than me and like the little sister I never wanted who I can also sneak peeks at her booty because she’s not my little sister! But people always get us confused they say we look alike and we damn sure act the same which is a fucking fool…we have the same likes where it matters and where we class it works…for example she doesn’t want pepperoni on her pizza and I don’t want spinach on mine…so we don’t fight over anything except who is crazier or thicker…she has me beat but I’d never admit that to her…but she is my twin soul. So now that I’ve explained My 3 Loves do you agree or disagree with the theory that we are all given 3 loves in our lives? Have you found your 3 loves? Were they romantic, platonic or biological? I must admit I love making love to your minds…thanks for letting me back in. Check me out next week and see what the Wild Card Topic is until then…


Fee B.

#TheSauceFiles: Ambition 101


*cues we outchea by Travis Porter*

I'm pretty sure we all have that "dream life". I know for damn sure I do ! Picture this *close your eyes* a nice house for me, my wife and our 2-3 kids, a fancy ass dog and able to take vacations to exotic ass islands with clear waters, great drinks and no worries in life whatsoever. (you can open your eyes now) We all have that dream life that we want. But it seems freaking impossible with all these obstacles in the way right ? WRONG!! You can always live the life you want to live but it's not going to be easy!

It's an old cliche saying, "you have to go thru the rain to appreciate the sunshine". It's true though. We all have to struggle at some point to appreciate the greater things in life.
Believing in yourself and you accomplishing your own dreams is the only thing that can help you get to where you want to be in life. But today, I'm here to give you my 3 keys to being successful in life.

We all know that "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail", but in order to plan you must know what you want to plan for. Maybe you want to be a famous chef or you want to be the teacher to impact kids by the thousands; you must plan to achieve these goals. I live by 3 steps to plan for that help me stay grounded and hopefully they do the same for you. My 3 steps are: 1. Keeping God 1st 2.Staying true to yourself and staying hungry for my goal. The final is the key and that's 3. Remembering you're going to eat.

Hear me out... I'm not the most religious person, but I do believe all my knowledge and wisdom comes from the most high power and I know believing in Him and keeping Him first (if it's in His plan for my life) I will one day be living my dream life. Sometimes it's hard trying to balance reading the bible like we're supposed to, but praying to Him (or whoever you believe in) not only when things are going terribly wrong, but also praying  to Him and thanking him daily for your blessings, will help your dreams come true. I'm a living testimony to that. It was a point in my life where I thought everything and everybody was against me. Then I remembered where all my strength came from and I begin to pray for doors to open up and then my blessings begin to flow.
To this day,  I DAILY, thank God for blessing me with every opportunity, every closed door and every opened door and doors continue to open.
God never turns his back on his people. As long as you know you
can pray and ask him for everything , he will acknowledge every prayer that's for your best interest.

Number 2: Staying true to yourself and staying hungry
It's hard for us to lose sight of who we are and where we stand with our different beliefs, and I believe if you follow your heart and have positive thoughts, positive things will happen. Don't be afraid of breaking away from your "friends" and making the necessary moves it takes to achieve personal happiness. If you begin to grow a passion for something, follow that passion and ask for guidance. Stay hungry and passionate about your goals and don't let the opinions of others, hinder you from receiving your blessings and getting to where you want to be in life.

Lastly, remember that one day you're going to eat. Earlier I stated that "you have to go through the rain to appreciate the sunshine". We've all at one point hade to struggle. But at the end of that struggle, we ended up in a position that we wanted to be in. The struggle is the only way you will appreciate the finer things in life.
I believe you have to know how to live without something, before you can live with it. The struggle you're going through may not make sense now, but it will all make sense in the end. Don't give up your dreams just because they feel impossible to reach. The only way to make it over the hill, is to climb the hill. We all stumble in life, but it's the getting up from the fall that makes us strong as an individual both mentally and spiritually.

In conclusion I say this, just because people don't approve of what you want to do in life, doesn't mean you can't do it. Continue to stand strong and remember the grass is always greener on the other side. As Wale said in ambition, "it's easy to dream a dream, but even harder to live it". The road to success will be a long rough full of dead ends and obstacles, but only the strong survive.

Keep God 1st, stay true to yourself and stay hungry and remembering you're going to be good in the long run and I promise you, even the hardest of struggles only lead to a great ending.


Sandy Beaches...Both of Them

Sandy Beaches...Both of Them
Disclaimer: All race & ethnicity of women can get it, I DO NOT discriminate.
Preach: I'm just trying to do to white girls what the white mans
been doing to us for 400 years.
Crazy Legs: Yeah, whats that?
Preach: Fuck em.
Let me first start off by saying HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH!
Another Disclaimer: I am not a racist nor do I condone in calling females beaches, unless you act like one.
With that being said....
It's that time for "most" (I say most because unemployment rate is still high, which indicates some of you motherfuckers reading this still don't have a job, but Obama got you....wait on it *sarcastic voice*). Anyway, for us that punch the clock the vacation days for the new year are beginning to accrue and you are starting to think about where you want to spend those illustrious days off that you so well deserve. If you are any type of human being you want to book flights or drive to where the night's temperature are in the 70's and the water is that pretty colour blue, not this Lake Michigan shit. (Confession: I always wanted a reason to spell color with a "U" "colour") don't judge me, it looks cool. There is nothing like a place were you can go and forget about the stress at home, unwind and indulge in so much eye candy that your teeth begin to hurt. I know, I know....everyone is not as fortunate to make it to the St. Lucia's or to those other resort with Sandy Beaches....Both of Them, but as an adult we should all by now know how to set a goal and work towards it. Stress is one of the top killers amongst us (more so African-Americans). Stress leads to bad eating habits, smoking and probably "Going Postal." Do yourself a favor and GETAWAY. Go somewhere were people look at you as if you are a tourist (because you are). And if you are lucky you may just be able to enjoy some Sandy Beaches...Both of Them. The moral of the story is set goals..Beaches love Goals. MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed            

#TheSauceFiles: Friends

Friend - a person whom one knows and with whom one has a mutual bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.
If you read that definition it's pretty obvious of what a "friend" is. But in the current time we live in, the word "friend" is overused (in my opinion). Over the course of our adolescent school days, we have made a great amount of "friends". But out of that great amount, how many of them do you still share that same friendship bond that you did 16-17 years ago ? I can honestly say, out of all the people I knew growing up that I called "friend" , I have no clue of there whereabouts or quite frankly don't care about. In college I made a lot of "friends", but honestly out of the hundreds of people I met , I only maintain a true friendship with only a handful. Out of that handful only 3, I can only call one my friend (shout out to the Brodie @Fye_Scott). Like always I know y'all wondering where is he going with this.... Just hear me out once again.
The word friend use to mean so much to us back in the day. Sharing toys and having spend the night parties would automatically ordain someone as your "friend". In this day in time , the word "friend" gets tossed around more than majority of words outside of loyalty, trust and etc (which I will touch on lately). A lot of people refer to someone that doesn't refer to them as a friend. Some see their "friends" struggle and continue to watch them swim in struggle without offering a helping hand. Some refuse to let people on their team go thru that situation.
This next topic is very sensitive to me *pours water out for RoadTripShawty*. Before I had my car, I knew a lot of people, but for some reason my follower count inclined as soon as people found out I had a car. I was everybody's friend, especially when they needed a ride to work or they wanted to mob with me to the party. But the day my car broke down, I really found out who my friends really were. After my car broke down, I called everybody who I thought was my "friend" and watched excuse after excuse pour in on why they couldn't help or "how much they wish they could help but something came up". I eventually called my folks to come get me (luckily they came to the rescue). When folks started finding out my car was sleep, the amount of text messages, tweets and phone calls rapidly decreased and I was once again, that nigga that didn't have a car. I was so hurt that all the people that I thought fucked with me was only using me for what I had, instead of who I was.
How does that have any relevance to this topic you're wondering.. Look at the people you call or the people that call you "friend". Are you really a friend ? When they come to you for advice, do you listen because you genuinely care or do you listen just to run back and tell other people ? I'm a strong believer in the concept of: the person you are to other people, is the person that people are to you. I believe that people treat others based on how they've been treated or how they treat others. It makes perfect sense tho. If you use to run back and tell other people business about folks after they talked to you in confidence, that's why people do it to you. It's a vicious cycle and this is where I believe loyalty, trust and honesty comes into the equation.
I've recently grown an inner hate towards the word "loyalty". Just like love, people throw loyalty around entirely to much. Loyalty in my opinion, is honoring and respecting others people's opinion and supporting them in all their decisions. Loyalty is being a supportive and positive in every situation and doing things that you don't HAVE TO DO, but doing things you WANT TO DO. A real friend doesn't feel like they have to do anything for you, they do what they do because they really want to help your situations. But I see people make all these tweegrams and tweets about how cool they are with such and such and how they be happy in all they pictures. But little do they know, the same person they taking pictures with and sharing all these secrets with, are really sitting at a round table and a drawing board planning their downfall. They are waiting for you to fail and quite frankly violating your character.
Some folks spend their whole life finding some one they trust and will do whatever it takes to maintain that trust. Whether it be, lying to save they ass or trying to fit in to be like them instead of embracing being an individual. The word trust gets misused because of the people that you think are your "friends" and say "you can trust me with anything" (like stated earlier) are planning a way to make you fall and become nothing.
I say all that to say this. You can't force people to do anything that they don't want to do. If people wanna accept you for your flaws they will, if not, they will pretend to and constantly sneak diss and say slick shit and throw the "JK" card in. (Because in all jokes, there is some seriousness) When it comes to friendship, I really believe that true friends are obvious and everybody else ain't ya friends. Everybody doesn't have your best interest at heart.
A real friend will see your change and accept your change and keep you motivated to continue to be something great.
In the words of my homie @phade2black, "See it to believe it, if its in hands reach grab it, if you feel it achieve it, cause at the end, you live with the results if you do or if you don't!" Encourage your friends to apply themselves in different opportunities that will help benefit them and help them become a better person. Don't judge people off the materialistic values, honor the person they are and embrace them. Don't sneak diss or talk down on the people you call "friend" because at the end of the day, "you reap what you sow"

N**** What? N!!!! Who?

                                                                       N**** What? N!!!! Who?

*Disclaimer to try to promote positivity, equality and unity we at BLAH made a pledge to not use to N word in our blogs at all. This blog was done to shed light on an issue I find personally close to home and will be the only time you see any of us use the word on this site* No need for the introductions you know who and what this is…The Wild Card topic today is has the N word been green lighted to be used by anyone, anywhere and in any context. Now I work with a pretty diverse group of people which I’m used to and admittedly I am guilty of using the word in conversation…with those who I know and have that kind of relationship with. I even call my girls bitches…not disrespectfully just in fun. So I was at work one day I work in a kitchen so I was prepping food for the next day and I had my Pandora on Quick Mix so when Lil Wayne came on my white male coworker got to rocking out to it, rapping along. It’s safe to say at some point Lil Wayne is going to say the word so when he did and so did my coworker I was just stunned. I couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck made him think or feel that it was okay for him to say that in my presence? True enough he didn’t call me one but when did it become acceptable for whites to even say that aloud and outside of their homes or cars? Odd thing is he didn’t even seem like he even gave it any thought outside of being on point with the lyrics. It makes me think of all the white rappers allowed to use the word because their rapping. Has the everyday use of the word by blacks made it seem acceptable for anyone to say it? I see groups of young white boys calling each other that and I can’t help but wonder if they do it because they think it’s a cool word or because they really are ignorant little shits? There was once a time when the word was beeped out on tv I can find shows that slide it right on in there. Is it hypocritical to be offended when hearing the word knowing the history behind it and still use the word yourself? Will there ever be a day when the word isn’t used at all? I know I’m guilty of saying it but in my mind I’ve convinced myself it’s okay because we earned the exclusive right to use it being disrespected and called that for so long it’s just like saying son, joe, kid, fam, or homie. I don’t know maybe I’m just being overly sensitive but I don’t feel it’s appropriate at all more so for races not black to be use the word even in song in public. If they want to call us N!@#$ do it like they have been for years…over the dinner table! Talk to me people am I way off base for my feelings or actions or am I justified in feeling this way? Well my people thank you so much for letting me into your heads to make love to your mind…check me out next week to see what ends up being the Wild Card Topic!


~Fee B

Human Resource Dept: Black History Month Do's and Don'ts

Before we continue let me say this really aint for black folks, I’m speaking to my Nubian white queens, my milks of magnesia, my snow bunnies. It’s February 7th, have you told him Happy Black History Month? If you haven’t…. good for you suga foot, you’re on the right path. That’s probably the worse thing you can say to him right now. Nothing you say will come across as you really giving a sh*t, honestly. There are 21 days left in this glorious month, and if you’ve already made it a 1/4th of the way thru without getting your nose knocked off and sold on Ebay, chances are you’ll f**k up somewhere between the 24th and the 28th one way or another. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. Remember, I’m only here to help. With that being said, here are a couple ways to make sure you keep your Negro male thru the month of February.

Don’t come home with random African garments.. You trying too hard. Nothing’s more embarrassing than your Nubian white queen arriving at your house in Rwanda clothes looking like the white she-devil.   

 Kwanzaa is in December…. It doesn’t carry over. Don’t be coming in the house with candles and presents talmbout “Umoja!”... nah …stfu fam  

Role play in the bedroom… (preferably slave and slave masters wife)

If you can’t get down on the soul food meals… this is not the month to start, all your going to do is piss off his grandmother that already doesn’t like you.

Now this is for my black folks….

It’s our month. Feel free to do whatever you want. You know all we need is an excuse to do some sh*t. Whenever white folks gives us “fake” ownership of something, we take it and run with it, so for the remainder of the month I want you to do a couple things not only for me, but for our people in general. DISCLAIMER: If you get caught, its not my fault fam, it just isn’t.

Run a red light. Why you ask? For the simple fact, Garrett Morgan invented traffic signals.

Go jam a white girl. Doesn’t matter how they look, as long as her parents hate the fact she turned down Billy for De’shawn. Ladies, this can apply to you as well. His mom won’t like the fact that her Graham is jamming Leticia instead of Abby.

At lunch grab a white co-worker, take them to Remus for the G-pan, have them walk inside with you, and then leave them there for 15 minutes. That face upon your return will be priceless.  

Remember, I'm just here to help


Human Resource Dept: Wanna leave after sex? 3 things to say.

Shoutout to my girl @scorpioeyes for this one. We had the pleasure to discuss this topic

Ok, you got them drunk, you got them “ready”, you got them to your home; you did the horizontal poker, (Family Matters Reference for the 80’s babies) now your trying to figure out a way to gracefully dismiss them from your presence. What do you do? What do you say? You must be careful when executing this because the main goal is to say something that won’t hurt their feelings, but let them know that your home ain’t theirs. Remember I’m just here to help. Here are 3.

 “So………. What you finna do?”

-This is one of the oldest lines in the book. It’s simple and straight to the point. Women and men alike are wired to notice certain clues, and this is one of them. Remember you have to sound somewhat concerned. (Goal is to leave them with enough confidence that they can return next week…… or so I’ve heard) Elevate your voice; sit on the edge of the bed. IMPORTANT: Don’t face them… just turn your head a little so they see one eyeball. Eye contact will force the other party to ask you unwanted questions, you don’t want that folks.

“Man….. What time you gotta go to work tomorrow?”

Once again, don’t forget the main ingredient; CONCERN. This line oozes concern. You’re asking about their life outside of the nasty shit yall just did which by the way, might translate to “caring”. Be careful with this line. Even though you’re trying to get the “what time you gotta go to work” question returned so you can say some ridiculous early start time, the other party might think you REALLY might like them. Don’t elevate your voice on this one. Keep it monotone and drowsy. Half turn and no eye contact with this question still is a must.

Ok… this one is for the people that want to leave and don’t want to stay. I’ve heard this one works the best if you’re traveling a good distance back to the crib. (Over 15min)

“Man ….. let me hurry up and beat this traffic”


I must admit I’ve used this one before….

Its late, you’re far away from home, and you don’t want to stay. Use this! I promise it works, but I guarantee you’ll get a turned up face. Never mind that face, keep the mission alive. They are going to ask why you are leaving. It’s up to you to create the best “traffic is a motha” statement you can. Your answers should vary depending on the distance you have to travel. You can’t say,”It’s gonna take me forever” if they know you work 10 minutes away from your home.

Remember the need to show concern. That guarantees the drawls at a later time. Now, you could be an asshole if you wanted to, but only in the times where you don’t want to see this person again. If the nasty was good, I wouldn’t suggest it.

Once again, remember, Im only here to help

Close the door, I have payroll to finish


Crazy, Sexy, Cool?

                                                                      Crazy, Sexy, Cool?

Hello…Hello! It’s the one and only Fee B back again to bring you this weeks’ Wild Card Topic which today is based off of an article I read more than 5 years ago. I will just call today’s Wild Card Topic Crazy, Sexy, Cool? If I had the kind of memory to give proper credit to the author I most definitely would do so…we don’t do plagiarism…hell we have no need. But anyway the article I was reading did a survey of 100 men asking them questions about women and their behavior and the surprising thing I found was that with men: the sexier the woman is the more tolerable men are with their crazy antics. Let me elaborate. So say a guy is dating a chick who is by society’s standards a beautiful woman…a 10…a dime piece…banging body, flawless face (you get the point) and let’s just say this gorgeous woman has a temper or an attitude or is a tad fatal attraction like. Men are willing to look past this because of your beauty. Basically in order for your berserk behavior to be overlooked your sexy has to match or surpass your crazy. You can’t look like a 4 and be a 10 on the crazy scale…it just doesn’t work in your favor. Now as crazy as it sounds I believe it’s the truth…I’m walking proof of it. I’m crazy wrapped in attitude sprinkled with bitch…but my crazy is matched by my sexy. Let me just say for me sexy is different from actual looks. You can be sexy and not that attractive, you can be attractive and not sexy at all. These are my views and as I stated earlier I wish I could remember the exact wording of the article so I could remember how they classified sexy/beauty/looks to compare it to the craziness levels. My whole point in bringing this up is because we all have seen how looks can get people out of bad things and possibly into good things so looks are undoubtedly influential. My question to you all is Men: do you let an attractive woman get away with more than you would someone not as pretty? Women: Have you ever noticed or been on the receiving end (negatively or positively) of the Crazy vs. Sexy Rule? Hell have any of you even heard of this before reading this? I’d love to hear what you think… Well my people thank you so much for letting me into your heads to make love to your mind…check me out next week to see what ends up being the Wild Card Topic!


~Fee B

#TheSauceFiles: Scared Money Don't Make Money

We all have our own fears; whether it be afraid of heights, afraid of spiders or afraid of orange peels (shout out to the creep girl on Maury). If you search the term "scared" in the dictionary - you might find this: scared (adj) fearful or frightened. I'm pretty sure your wondering what does this have to do with anything. But hear me out. The question that inspired this blog came from a tweet I recently tweeted and it was along the lines of why "men scared of commitment". Now y'all know how I am, when I see a tweet , I began to rant and rave about it. So here it goes *clears throat and drinks water* here we go.

Let's start from the ground up. When you where a kid, you subconsciously learned from your parents relationship. You watched them smile and be happy as hell and you have seen them battle thru the toughest of situations. You secretly wanted to grow up and grow old like them. Now if you was like me, you seen your parents happy at the beginning of the marriage and tear apart close to the end. *cues readers to go awww* Then you have those who never spent time with their parents and yearned for that "fatherly attention" or "motherly love".

Now I know y'all like, what point is he getting at, be patient young grasshoppers. In all these situations, you learned how relationships operate. And from that lesson, that's how you thought a marriage or relationship was supposed to be. If you grow up watching your dad beat your mom and she keeps doing nothing about it, you're going to think it's ok to be in and support an abusive relationship. If you grow up with both parents and your parents constantly COMMUNICATE their disagreements and have an argument without them splitting up, that's what you will do. If you grew up constantly watching ya pops having hella females around, that's all you know is have a lot of females in ya life to hold certain points in life, whether it be good sex, good food or just intellectual conversation. You feel like you have to have all these to feel "complete"...

Now fast forward to now. You're constantly in relationships that in somewhat are split images of your parents marriage (it's my opinion, if I'm wrong let me be wrong dammit but I know I'm right). The same relationship you're tired of is the same thing your parents went thru and you didn't learn how to treat and respect your significant other.

I know y'all like, what is he trying to say. Based on my opinion, people have commitment issues based on what they seen at home when they were kids and from previous failed relationship attempts. Commitment issues are gained over the course of ones lifetime AND watching or not watching parents respect each other the way it should be done.
One way to break this vicious cycle is to mature and understand that you can no longer place permanent hurt on people. Believe it or not, you may do 100 things right but people will always remember that one thing you did wrong. When you mature and understand that you where prematurely thinking you where ready for a relationship, you will then begin to look at YOUR FAULTS FIRST before you point out someone else's.

I grew up in a single parent home where my parents argued alot and my dad just left without event trying to put up a fight. Seeing and hearing  my mom cry at night really sparked that fire to be the man who never made his woman cry... I try my hardest to always keep a smile on my girlfriend's face and reassure her that I'm always on her side and never against her. It took for her leaving me and realizing that I had to get right with me first BEFORE I got right with her. It took many unanswered calls and no reply on my text messages to see she really wasn't for my campaign. I got lucky and was blessed with another chance. Fellas you're not gonna always get lucky and get that second chance. Make that first chance count. If she's worth the commitment, make it count.

I say all that to say this , we're all scared today of what's at stake tomorrow. True love only happens one time. If its worth it, stop being scared and take that risk. Scared money don't make money.....


Dick So Long, Goodbye

"Saying Goodbye is not a Bad Buy, so purchase some...It's on sale"~ ME  

Before I get started, I would like to tell you to get your mind out of the gutter. (Damn Freaks!)

Based on a True Story.....I Made Up....

Everyone say hello to Richard Jr.

Now that the informal introductions are done, we can get down to the entry.

Kids can be so damn mean. What a way to start a story, right? Anyway, this is why I say that. When I was younger the mean kids nicknamed me "lil Dick." I was named after my father which that made me a junior. One night at a Parent/Teacher meeting some of the kids just so happen to hear my mom call my dad "Dick" which is short for Richard and from there on my life had its turn for the worst. I was ridiculed for years. I spent all of my grammar school days self conscious about my penis size. I know, I know....What do grammar school kids know about private parts? I went to an inner city/public school and my uncle was an unlicensed child photographer and had pics of 3/4ths of the kids that went to my school (read between the lines). At the time we didn't know better. He's locked up now. We also had to move after that news got out that he was our family.  Anyway, You know if you hear something so many times rather its the truth or not, you begin to believe it.

::Fast Forward to Community College::

I got into my first real relationship. Still a virgin in the game, I was afraid to undress in front of people yet alone have sex. Even though I "Matured" in certain areas of the anatomy, I just wasn't ready yet. All this built up aggression form my past and no pussy started me to act out. My girl of three months told me that I'm starting to act like my name...A "Dick." That hurt me, so I dumped her and concentrated on my curricular.

::Fast Forward To Career::

So, I landed a job in my field of studies and had made my own name for myself within the company(Dick Who?).  A couple of years went by, it was as if my past had literally erased itself from memory. Everything seemed to be back on track. I ended up Marrying my wife of now 1 year tonight whom worked in another department at the company. Things were, in my mind great. We were both career focus, making good money and kid free. Anyway, our Anniversary was tonight. This was going to be the night that she had all of me. This was the time that our souls will actually intertwine. She was going to break my virginity dammit. I got off 2 hours before she did to get everything ready for the night. Suddenly I heard the garage door open. This was it. Nervous and "excited" at the same time. I met her in the doorway of our bedroom butt ass naked... and this hoe dropped her wedding ring at the threshold of the door turned around and ran out screaming. All I could think about was..."Maybe I shouldn't of gotten that Dick implant." #OhWell.
 The moral of the story is your past can subconsciously fuck up your future. Be careful. Your eyes and ears are the gateway to your soul. #BUFT "Be U Fvck Them.  MY NAME IS PERRY AND I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE. #CommentsWelcomed

HR Dept: Boo Season wrap-up: Whats your postition?

Snow has fallen, temperatures have dropped, boo’s have been cemented. What position do you find yourself in right now? Is it a good one, one that can possibly flourish throughout the year? For those who answered yes, congradu-f**king-lations. You represent 18% of the “boo season” results. For those who are either still contemplating or said “no” with conviction, don’t worry you represent 82% of the “boo season” results. Lonely as it may sound, you’re better off alone at this point. Usually this is the part where I say “no, I don’t mean that”, but I actually do this time. If you think about it, everybody knows when boo season starts and when it ends. At this time you’re the person everyone is talking about. And when I say everyone, I’m not talking about your friends; I’m talking about parents and family members. Holidays have come and pass and you had nobody with you at thanksgiving or Christmas. Parents and family members might chalk this up as ‘he/she just didn’t want us to meet her/him yet. Holidays are a big step in a relationship’. The only problem is if you have parents like mine. Moms has told me on some occasions she knows when it gets cold women and men alike are looking for someone they can bump and go out with because they don’t feel like searching for someone in below zero temps. Ain’t nobody got time for that skirt chasing at -12. 

Ok, back to my original point.

What position do YOU hold? Is it a bad b***h contest and are you in 1st place? Or are you like Danica Patrick? Potential to be a game changer, but stuck in a field with seasoned vets? Do you have ANY idea what position you hold? If not, or you are unsure, here’s some ways you can clear this up. Remember, I’m just here to help.


If and when you send nudes. Does he respond immediately or is it delayed? Every second that passes after you hit send is equivalent to 4 hrs of manual labor. Most of yall end up looking at the phone like this. 

You can take a quick answer one of two ways: He was near his phone and he liked it so much he responded fast. Or, he was texting another chick and to answer was convenient at the time. (I know that hurt a lil, its ok, its ohh kay)


 Have you met his parents? No? Ok, coo. (You don’t need me to explain this to you, do you??)



Has he picked you up, or have you been the only 1 driving?

Fellas might not like me for this one. Idgaf. You the man right? smoove it over then patna. Anyway, If a guy comes to pick you up regardless of where you stay, he's down for the commitment past the boo season. Dont take this n**ga for granted, because remember; as easy as it is to pick you up its as easy to tell you they dont feel like driving.


When he picks you up and its warm enough, does he let the windows down so everybody can see you, or does he say his window broken?

Evey guy wants to show his female lady off. If you mean nothing? .... enjoy the AC fam.

Remember, I'm just here to help

Close the door, I got to finish payroll


Fee B’s Wild Card: Fame Monster vs. Silent Success

                                          Fee B’s Wild Card: Fame Monster vs. Silent Success

Yo! It’s the one and only Fee B…hope all has been well since we last had mental sex ;) So no need for the foreplay this time let’s get right to the dirty deed. The Wild Card Topic today is Fame Monster vs. Silent Success.

You addicted to the lights /Without the fame/ How you gonna survive/It's like living on Heroine/ You so high/ And everybody warning you about it
And once you taste you can't live without it (It's addictive)
Not cause you choose to not live without it (Sure you want this baby)
It's now a part of you (It's a part of you)
It's now a part of you
And everybody warning you about it (I see you blinded)
And once you taste you can't live
Ooh it's the lights (It's the lights)
Action! (Action)
Hollywood (Hollywood)
Ooh it's the lights (Satisfaction)
Satisfaction! (So addictive)”

That’s a verse from a Jay-Z song called Hollywood. Now I hate to use Hip Hop to make a point but it is addictive. No I never have been famous outside of my head nor have I actually been to Hollywood but when I look at all the desperate attempts for 15 minutes of fame I consider myself pretty damn knowledgeable on the subject. Even those who have gained fame do crazy things to keep it and stay in the spotlight. I hate to be the college dropout to tell people Fame has a limit. Unfortunately society is vain and only what’s hot, relevant and sexy will get ads and endorsements no matter how many times you lift your face. People are also fickle what’s hot one day really isn’t guaranteed to be hot the same time next year. One bad movie, awful song, wrong romance and someone once on top of the totem pole is suddenly six feet under. However success has no expiration date. There is no beauty requirement for success and to be honest I’d take success over fame any day. Why subject myself to scrutiny from the masses that can never be pleased? Someone will always have a problem or opinion when you’re famous. I would write forever without showing my face and to be honest without being paid as long as I had people who thoroughly enjoy what they read…now I can’t lie to you being paid for it would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet but definitely not necessary. Sadly enough we live in a time where true talent and potential success is overshadowed by the willingness to do anything to be seen…the exact opposite of how it should be…Which is why you should continue to support BLAH. Yes we do this for ourselves because we love to write but we do this for you because we are you…we’re sitting next to you on the train, standing in line with you in McDonalds, Saturday night sippin just like you…Rock with us, We’re reppin for y’all! Well my people thank you so much for letting me into your heads to make love to your mind…check me out next week to see what ends up being the Wild Card Topic!


~Fee B